January 21, 2022, by mszrm4
Research and Publications from the UoN MedEd team
The faculty on the Medical Education course aim to support our Masters scholars to learn how to do and publish research. See below for an idea of the variety of research that our team support.
Over the last few years, the curriculum of our Masters in Medical Education at Nottingham has been updated and renewed by the faculty. Of course, the Research & Dissertation (RAD) module has always been a part of the Masters course, but the module “Introduction to Research Methods in Medical Education” (IRM) was introduced in 2019 to support our students in their research journey.
The purpose of the IRM module is to provide students with an introduction to the principles and practice of research design, looking at different research methodologies, developing the knowledge required review the literature, develop their research question, choose appropriate methods, plan their data collection and analysis, as well as develop the skills required to complete a research proposal and application for ethical approval to undertake research. The 4,000 word assignment that students have to produce at the end of IRM sets them well on their way to producing their final Masters dissertation – although there is a lot more work to do to complete the RAD module!
The faculty at UoN MedEd love to support our Masters scholars (and PhD and medical students) to write up their projects as journal articles and we’ve listed a few below to give you an idea of the research interests at Nottingham – and maybe to also give you ideas of subjects for research, if you want to join our Masters course!
Dr Rakesh Patel, Course Director, has supported many Masters scholars and PhD students to publish. Some recent examples, below include:
- Supporting this qualitative project in general practice: Winter, R., Norman, R.I. and Patel, R., 2021. A qualitative exploration of the lived experience of GP trainees failing to progress in training. Education for Primary Care, 32(1), pp.10-18.
- And a systematic review about surgical skills: And a systematic review about surgical skills: Higgins, M., Madan, C. and Patel, R., 2021. Development and decay of procedural skills in surgery: A systematic review of the effectiveness of simulation-based medical education interventions. The Surgeon, 19(4), pp.e67-e77.
- And this article in the Future Healthcare Journal of the RCP: Saville R. L, Bowman R, Patel R, Flexible portfolio training: a novel approach to future physician training. Future Healthc J Jan 2022, fhj.2021-0143
Dr Stevie Agius is lead on the IRM and Research and Dissertation modules for the UoN MedEd course. His recent work includes:
- Church, H.R. and Agius, S.J., 2021. The F3 phenomenon: Early‐career training breaks in medical training. A scoping review. Medical Education.
- Co-authoring a systematic review, along with PhD, Masters and medical students and other faculty: Krstić, C., Krstić, L., Tulloch, A., Agius, S., Warren, A. and Doody, G.A., 2021. The experience of widening participation students in undergraduate medical education in the UK: A qualitative systematic review. Medical Teacher, pp.1-10.
Dr Mohsen Tavakol is a module convenor for our optional module, “Principles and Practice of Applying Psychometrics in Assessment” and supports many of our students who want to undertake quantitative projects. Recent papers he has worked on with our MedEd scholars, include:
- This letter to the editor of Medical Teacher: Tavakol,M and O’Brien,D, 2021. Does widening participation status affect undergraduate medical student performance; a meta-analysis of knowledge-based assessments and OSCE over a 5-year period Medical Teacher.
- Tariq, N., Rasheed, T. and Tavakol, M., 2017. A quantitative study of empathy in Pakistani medical students: a multicentered approach. Journal of primary care & community health, 8(4), pp.294-299.
Dr Nicola Cooper is a module convener for our “Principles & Practice of Teaching & Learning” core module but her specialist interest is teaching clinical reasoning and she leads on our optional module, “Teaching Clinical Reasoning using Case-Based Learning in Educational and Clinical Environments”. Dr Cooper has many publications in her name – including popular text books for medical students and trainees. Her recent work with UoN faculty include:
- Publishing a consensus statement on the content of clinical reasoning curricula in undergraduate medical education. Cooper, N., Bartlett, M., Gay, S., Hammond, A., Lillicrap, M., Matthan, J., Singh, M. and UK Clinical Reasoning in Medical Education (CReME) consensus statement group, 2021. Consensus statement on the content of clinical reasoning curricula in undergraduate medical education. Medical Teacher, 43(2), pp.152-159.
- Co-authoring this review, with a UoN PhD student and staff members: Richmond, A., Cooper, N., Gay, S., Atiomo, W. and Patel, R., 2020. The student is key: A realist review of educational interventions to develop analytical and non‐analytical clinical reasoning ability. Medical education, 54(8), pp.709-719.
Some of our students have let us know when they have published works after leaving the course:
- One of our international full-time Master students worked with local colleagues to produce his dissertation and this article: Turu’Allo, I.J., Santoso, A. and Findyartini, A., 2021. Cardiology trainees’ attitudes towards clinical supervision: a scale development study. Int J Med Educ, 12, pp.38-44.
- And a local GP worked with colleagues at University of Nottingham on this project: Sahota, G.S. and Taggar, J.S., 2020. The association between Situational Judgement Test (SJT) scores and professionalism concerns in undergraduate medical education. Medical Teacher, 42(8), pp.937-943.
Some of our Alumni have written blogs about their research interests – hopefully they will write up for publication soon!:
- Teaching clinical examination skills online: Will COVID change long term practice? By Dr Robert Jay https://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/medicaleducation/2021/09/12/teaching-clinical-examination-skills-online-will-covid-change-long-term-practice/
- Developing a mindset for medical education by Kathryn Holden https://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/medicaleducation/2021/07/12/developing-a-mindset-for-medical-education/
If you are an alumni of the course – let us know about any publications not mentioned here!
Join us on the Nottingham MedEd course: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/pgstudy/course/taught/medical-education-mmedsci
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