BBC Coverage of Elephant Relocation

There has recently been some very nice coverage of the elephant relocation work that is being done at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, under the MEME (Management and Ecology of Malaysian Elephants) project (all previous posts on MEME can be seen at this tag). The BBC recently printed a very nice story (9th Nov …

Monitors of Malaysian election report widespread media bias

This post was contributed by Tessa Houghton and L:indsay Brooke During the 2013 Malaysian election campaign and in the days immediately afterwards, a team of communications experts at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) kept a close eye on the performance of the country’s press. Their aim was to encourage fair coverage of this …

Our Neighbours Are Elephants!

“Urban sprawl is now impacting on the habitats of wildlife in countries around the world, so how can wildlife and city dwellers live together? Reports from cities around the world ask what should be done if your new next door neighbours turn out to be wild animals: Bob Walker reports from Malaysia…..” … so starts …

Centre for Post-harvest Biotechnology: Custom Tag

In a recent post I said that I would tag posts for specific groups so that you could use them on your own web site (for example) to give you a URL that provided easy access to blog posts. At that time, I set up a MEME tag, which gives access to all the posts …

iSTREC Road Safety Innovation Challenge 2013

Although this is not particularly about resaerch, we thought that it was interesting enough to put on this blog. It would also be useful if you could disseminate to all your students as this blog (or more precisely, the newsletter), does not go to undergraduate students. We have recently recieved this email: Greetings from Agensi …

BFM Podcasts

We sometimes highlight podcasts from our academic staff that have appeared on BFM radio. Whilst looking for the most recent one, I searched for Nottingham and this brings up most (if not all?) the podcasts that have been made by our colleagues. Take a look at this this search ( If you think that there …

Language’s Role in Culture and Identity: BFM Podcast

UNMC has a good track record of appearing on BFM Radio. The latest person to appear was Dr Derek Irwin, who spoke on Language’s Role in Culture and Identity. The podcast is available from the BFM’s web page. Derek is the Head of School of English at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. Header image: …

Lecturing, with a difference

Fancy disseminating your research in a slightly different way? An article in the THES, recently reported on academics who lecture on cruise ships. It’s an interesting idea, and nice work if you can get it! Note: You are able to read five THES articles a month. After that, you need to register.   Hearder Image: …

Research Awards at UNUK

“Funding for pioneering research at The University of Nottingham is at an all-time high with academics securing over £170million worth of new grants in the last year.” … starts a news items on the University of Nottingham’s news pages. In these competitive and increasingly tougher economic climate, this is excellent news and demonstrates the outstanding …

Academic Ranking of World Universities 2013 released

“The long-heralded shift of global academic power towards Asia appears to be happening at a glacial pace, if at all, according to this year’s Shanghai Jiao Tong university rankings.” So starts the THES article (15 Aug 2013). The full list of rankings from the Academic Ranking of World Universities can be seen here. It is …