November 11, 2013, by Graham Kendall
BBC Coverage of Elephant Relocation
There has recently been some very nice coverage of the elephant relocation work that is being done at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, under the MEME (Management and Ecology of Malaysian Elephants) project (all previous posts on MEME can be seen at this tag).
The BBC recently printed a very nice story (9th Nov 2013) on its web site.
This followed an item in the BBC’s From Our Own Correspondent series. The podcast is available from the episode entitled The Midnight Bus to Damascus (7th Nov 2013) The part about elephants starts at about 16′ 50” and lasts about five and a half minutes. It’s well worth a listen.
Previous to this (23rd Oct 2013) Costing the Earth, also featured this story (called Our Elephants Are Neighbours!). This is a 30 minute piece, but not all about elephants – discussion on elephants in Malaysia starts at about 16′ 35” and lasts about six minutes and a half minutes (although there is a nice link to a project in Holland which are facing similar issues). This post, unlike the previous one, has Ahimsa discussing the elephant footage that has been captured from the hidden camera traps.
Our press office also blogged about this item, which you can see here, which we also presented in a previous post.
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