Military Technology Offers Hope for Malaysian Wildlife: Drones and Elephants

This is the closing of a piece that has recently appeared on Voice of America (you can view the full article here).   “Professor Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz explained how researchers are tracking elephants to help keep villagers safe. ‘What we see is an animation of data collected through the GPS satellite collar on the elephants to …

University of Nottingham strengthens its links with Indonesia

This was recently reported on the thisisnottingham web site. “The University of Nottingham has strengthened its links with Indonesia with the signing of a new long-term partnership. The agreement will meanNottingham will join forces with Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) to train some of their best and brightest post-graduate engineers. The partnership will establish integrated Masters …

Britain loses its knack for engineering

This was recently reported on the Sunday Times web site. “Chinese teenagers are leading a surge of overseas engineering students winning places at leading universities amid a shortage of British applicants with sufficiently good grades. Weakness in physics and maths and poor advice in schools are being blamed for the near takeover by foreign students …

Malaysian academic named Young Chemical Engineer of the Year: Dr Denny KS Ng

In case you missed this news, Denny was recently named as Malaysian Young Chemical Engineer of the Year. Denny is the first Malaysian to receive this honour. You can read more about this, at the University of Nottingham’s Press Office blog.

Branch campuses may seek independence in long term

You might be interested in a piece that was published in the Times Higher Education earlier this week. It starts “International branch campuses could break free from the UK universities that set them up and become independent institutions within decades, according to the pro vice-chancellor who oversees the UK’s two biggest overseas outposts.” It features …