Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

Royal Society Journals: Free Access until 29th Nov 2012

The Royal Society has made all of its journal’s free access until the 29th Nov 2012. See here for a list of their journals. These journals are very prestigious (for example one of their journals published Watson and Crick’s detailed description of the structure of DNA). As well as reading these journals, they would also …

NPRP 6th Cycle Reminder (Closing date 6th Nov 2012)

If you are interested in applying for funding from Qatar, please see the reminder below.

Free access to Machine Learning until 30th Nov 2012

Springer are offering free access to Machine Learning, one of their flagship journals, till 30th Nov 2012.

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Martyn Poliakoff BFM Broadcast

When Martyn visited us a week or so ago, as well as giving the Rutherford Memorial Lecture, he was also interviewed on BFM. A podcast of the interview can be accessed from this link.

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Executive Education Standard Operating Procedure

We have been working on a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Executive Education at UNMC, which is now ready to go live. The SOP is available here:

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UNMC Sabbatical Policy

We have now established a UNMC policy with respect to sabbatical. The policy can be downloaded from:

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Researching the Internationalisation of Higher Education

Date of Workshop: 31st Oct 2012 This email was recently sent by the Knowledge without Borders team.

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Inter-campus Mobility Fund

If you are planning to visit one of our other campuses,

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E-Staff Profile

This is a copy of an email sent to all staff on the 19th Sep 2012, and followed up recently by IS. Main message: Please make sure you update ESP with your publications by the end of Oct.

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IMPACT Campaign Ambassadors: Volunteers Needed

When the Vice-Chancellor recently addressed all the UNMC staff (28 Sep 2012) he mentioned the IMPACT campaign that has been running in the UK and is now being launched at UNMC and UNNC.

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