Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

GPS, camera traps and dung expose the secret life of endangered elephants

A very nice feature to the MEME project on the University web site (see here, and make sure that you take a look at the very interesting video).

Xtreme Everest: The Highest Research Lab in the World

“In two giant tents on the icy ground of Everest base camp, a team of scientists have been conducted some breathtaking research into the effects of low oxygen conditions. Established by Dr Dan Martin in 2007, ….” Nothing to do with UNMC, nothing to do with the research being done here, I just thought that …

Campus Views: May 2013

Many thanks to Peter Mitchell (for flying the plane) and Sean Matthews (for taking the photographs). Below are a couple of the most up-to-date pictures we have of the campus (click on the picture to get see the full sized image). If you use them, please make sure that you make the suitable acknowledgements.  

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UNMC Publications in 2013 (so far)

As we are getting towards the half way mark for 2013, I thought it would be interesting to see how we are doing with regard to publications. I have extracted the publications listed on Web of Knowledge and also Scopus. I have used these two bibliography indexes as they are the ones that are used …

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Research Showcase 2013

The Research Showcase poster competition was held on the 10th May and five finalist were chosen.  These finalists presented, via video conference, with the UK on 20th May. The overall winner – Jim Chai, 3rd year student from School of Pharmacy, will be representing  Nottingham Malaysia Campus at the Research Showcase in the UK on …

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CREST R&D Grant Cycle is open

CREST (Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science & Technology) is pleased to announce the opening of application for CREST R&D Grant Cycle 2/2013 to researchers from the institutions of higher learning and the industries. CREST R&D Grant is not limited to E&E discipline but should support E&E industry sector.   Prospective applicants together with partners are …

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San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment

For those of you that take an interest in research assessment (and who doesn’t with MyRA and REF), this document might be of interest. Thanks to Chung Lim for sending it to me.   Header image: Download from Google (30 May 2013): Labelled as free to reuse. Source

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Asian Institute of Finance Research Fund

This email was recently circulated to all staff but we thought it was worth circulating again. Dear Dr Nafis, Asian Institute of Finance (AIF) is offering a research fund to qualified researchers to conduct a study on “Green technology financing as the new growth area”. Evaluation Criteria The research proposal will be evaluated based on …

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What’s Happening Elsewhere?

We occasioanally like to look at some other blog posts from around the UoN blogs, just in case you missed them. They might not all be related to Research and Knowledge Transfer, but they are interesting nonetheless. Gold Medal at Chelsea Curriculum Review conference: the Mumford method MB Update – 22nd May Why Offer a …

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MEME/Sime Darby Launch

Professor Peter Mitchell and I were lucky enough to be invited to the official launch of the MEME (Management and Ecology of Malaysian Elephants) project, which has been funded by Yayasan Sime Darby (YSD). The launch event was held at the Belum Rainfoest Resort. It is around this area that a lot of the work …

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