Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

What’s Happening Elsewhere?

We occasioanally like to look at some other blog posts from around the UoN blogs, just in case you missed them. They might not all be related to Research and Knowledge Transfer, but they are interesting nonetheless. Selamat Datang ke (Welcome to) Malaysia! (from Malaysia Student Life blog) I can’t quite remember (from Pharm Life …

CFFRC: Welcome to the first DTC students

In a recent post, we announcd the launch of the CRRFC DTC. We are now very pleased to welcome the first eight students to the DTC. A short meeting on the 22nd July formally welcomed those students and, hopefully, we now all know each other before the real business of research begins! Hopefully, we’ll get …

Food Processing: Perspective from a Chemical Engineer: Techinical Talk AT IEM

This post was contributed by Dr Hii Ching Lik. A technical talk was presented by Dr Hii Ching Lik from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, at the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia on 5th July 2013, at Wisma IEM, Petaling Jaya. The session was chaired by Dr Chong Chien Hwa (Taylor’s University). The talk …

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Qatar National Research Fund

We have just received the email below from the Qatar National Research Fund. If you look at the themes they are interested in it includes many that are of interest to UNMC 1. Energy and Environment Pillar 2. Computer Science and ICT 3. Health 4. Social sciences, arts and humanities You might also want to …

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EU Bulletin – July 2013

Please find attached (EuroBulletin Issue 68) the EU Bulletin (Issue 68, 23 July 2013) from the European Union Delegation to Malaysia. Some of the latest news/events in this issue: Croatia joins as the EU’s 28th Member State; Latvia to adopt the Euro in January 2014; Young researchers in ASEAN are invited to participate in the …

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Nominations Now Open for the 2014 U21 Awards & Gilbert Medal

The following is taken from the U21 web site:. More details, along with the relevant forms can be found here. Both the U21 Awards and the Gilbert Medal have been awarded by U21 since 2012. U21 Awards  The U21 Awards are awarded to indivduals from within the U21 network. They recognise individual efforts towards particularly innovative …

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UNMC Publication Status: July 2013

Every so often we publish the current status of our publications. This is useful to see how we are doing against previous years, but it might also be useful to people from outside the University to see what areas where we are currently publishing. I have extracted the publications listed on Web of Knowledge and …

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UNMC WinSET Official Launch and Live Debate on 3 July 2013

The launching of UNMC WinSET group was officiated on 3 July 2013 in UNMC Campus. The event started with a keynote speech by our Chairperson Ir Dr Chong Mei Fong, followed by an opening address and ceremony by the Provost & CEO Professor Christine Ennew. WinSET (short for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology) is …

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EURAXESS Science Slammer: Do you have what it takes (and win a trip to Brussels)?

Those of you that fancy themsleves on stage, as well as having a research story to tell? We have just received this Do you want to have a rock star moment? Present your ideas to the world? This September, the stage will be yours: EURAXESS Links ASEAN is looking for the best Science Slammers! Five …

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British High Commission: Events

We have just received this information the British High Commission. The team is planning the following events and activities for 2013/14. If you would be interested to find out more, please contact the lead team member – contact details are at the bottom of this e-mail. Deepening UK-Indonesia links in Energy, Food, Health and Biodiversity, …

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