Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

EURAXESS: Newsletter (Issue 2)

EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is unique European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or stay connected to it (to quote from their web site). Following last weeks post, introducing EURAXESS, we are pleased to be able to provide …

What’s Happening Elsewhere

We occasioanally like to look at some other blog posts from around the UoN blogs, just in case you missed them. They might not all be related to Research and Knowledge Transfer, but they are interesting nonetheless. Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia: understanding business from beginning to end (from Better Business blog) UK SMEs and …

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) was established in 1997 and I first heard about it when attending U21 workshop on research misconduct. Many of the leading journals have signed up the to principles that COPE outline. If nothing else, it is worth being aware of this organisation, but they have some very interesting content. Two …

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Doing Business in China

Computing and the Law is a very nice series of podcasts from the IEEE Computer Society, which looks at various legal issues. Specifically, the podcasts are delivered by Computer, the flagship publication of the IEEE Computer Society. The podcasts are USA centric and tend to (not surprisingly) focus on computing, but I think they are broad …

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Lecturing, with a difference

Fancy disseminating your research in a slightly different way? An article in the THES, recently reported on academics who lecture on cruise ships. It’s an interesting idea, and nice work if you can get it! Note: You are able to read five THES articles a month. After that, you need to register.   Hearder Image: …

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Innovation Vouchers

We recently received this email: Greetings from AIM.  I would like to introduce to you RAP INNOVATION VOUCHER, which is a collaboration programme between AIM and MDeC to increase collaboration between institutions of higher learning and research institutions with Malaysian companies. It aims to provide industry exposure to researchers, which will help to facilitate open collaboration between …

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Do conservation scientists work too hard?

I’m not quite sure how Ahimsa does it. Okay, you get to work with elephants and you get a few pictures of these cute creatures and it’s not surprising that the media is interested and come banging on your door. Just for a change though you write an article that says how hard your sector …

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Life Cycle 3

Although the header picture may not look like some of the team are enjoying themselves at that precise moment :-), I am sure they are all immensely proud as the Vice Chancellor leads the team as they set off for Life Cycle 3 earlier this week. I would encourge you to follow the ups and …

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Research Awards at UNUK

“Funding for pioneering research at The University of Nottingham is at an all-time high with academics securing over £170million worth of new grants in the last year.” … starts a news items on the University of Nottingham’s news pages. In these competitive and increasingly tougher economic climate, this is excellent news and demonstrates the outstanding …

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Nottingham School of Economics Malaysia celebrates first PhD Graduate

Congratulations to Kong Yoke Fong on successfully defending her PhD dissertation on 12th August. Yoke Fong is the first PhD student to graduate from Nottingham School of Economics Malaysia. She has been a stalwart member of the school since the school’s establishment in Malaysia in 2010. Yoke Fong will take up a lecturer position in …

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