Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

BFM Podcasts

We sometimes highlight podcasts from our academic staff that have appeared on BFM radio. Whilst looking for the most recent one, I searched for Nottingham and this brings up most (if not all?) the podcasts that have been made by our colleagues. Take a look at this this search ( If you think that there …

Snapshot of Social Media

Last February we wrote a couple of posts (see Social Media: What to keep an eye on and More Social Media Contacts) that featured various people at UNMC and their social media interets. I thought it might be interesting to do a snapshot, just to see what people are talking about at the moment. So, …

Thomas Barker wins the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) 2013 Reading Committee Accolade

SMLC Assistant Professor Thomas Barker has won the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) 2013 Reading Committee Accolade for “Most Captivating and Accessible Thesis“. The prizes were awarded at the IBP 2013 Award Ceremony in Macao on 25 June 2013 as part of the ICAS8 conference. Over a hundred scholars from around the world submitted …

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Language’s Role in Culture and Identity: BFM Podcast

UNMC has a good track record of appearing on BFM Radio. The latest person to appear was Dr Derek Irwin, who spoke on Language’s Role in Culture and Identity. The podcast is available from the BFM’s web page. Derek is the Head of School of English at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. Header image: …

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Taking in nature’s gifts: Kimberley students visit CFFRC/UNMC

“THE mission was to carry out marine biodiversity surveys and investigate “foods of the future” at the Crops for the Future Research Centre (CFFRC) in Semenyih. But these 15 biology students from Kimberley School in Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, accomplished more than just that….” This is the start of a piece that recently appeared in The …

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Malaysia No.2 in ASEAN for Growing Businesses, says Leading Research Index

“The Grant Thornton Global Dynamism Index (GDI) 2013 has ranked Malaysia as Asean’s second most dynamic country after Singapore. Now in its second year, the GDI ranks 60 of the largest economies in the world on their dynamism, drawing on both economic and business survey data, SJ Grant Thornton, a member of an accounting and …

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UNMC IAPS PhD Scholarships and Visiting Fellowships Now Open, and an update

This post was contributed by Micheal Connors. The Institute of Asia Pacific Studies is now somewhat quietly established at UNMC (we will make some noise during semester).  One aspect of IAPS’ work is to attract people working on Asia to UNMC and to make ourselves known in the region. In line with that objective may I draw …

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Excellence in Research and Commercialisation

Last week (10-11 Sep 2013) UNMC organised a AKEPT workshop entitled Excellence in Research and Commercialisation. It was aimed at senior managers (up to VC level) in (predminantly) public universities. We (I should say our Provost) proposed the workshop and what started as just an idea turned into quite a large event, which was attended …

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RDC Stakeholder Engagement: Update

Over the past few months a team from a number of public and private universities have been engaged in collecting data from around the world (including Australia, UK, Korea and Taiwan) in order to form a policy document for the government which could change the way that Malaysia undertakes Research, Development and Commercilisation (RDC). The …

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Professor Bob John: ASAP and Type 2 Fuzzy Logic

The ASAP (Automated Scheduling, Optimisation and Planning Research) Group has recently apointed Professor Bob John as a Professor in the group and he has also taken over as head of the group. The ASAP group ( I should declare a conflict of interest in promoting the group as I am a member, was deputy head …

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