Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships: UK Funding Available

The UK has a funding scheme called Knowledge Transfer Partnerhips (KTP). The aim of this scheme is to transfer knowledge from universities to companies. We have recently been informed that we are entitled to participate in this funding mechanism. To quote from one of our UK colleagues. “KTP is funded by the uk government so …

CEPB Blogs

This post was contributed by Asgar Ali. The following blogs might be of interest to those working in Food Security or Post Harvest Technology:

Peter Mitchell elected as a Fellow of the British Psychological Society

On 1st June 2013 it was announced that Peter Mitchell has been elected as a Fellow of the British Psychological Society (FBPsS), the highest designation that the British Psychological Society (BPS) can award. The title FBPsS is bestowed on an individual who is adjudged by the BPS to have made an “outstanding contribution to the …

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Postgraduate Blog

I am sure that many of you know, but we just want to alert you to the fact that we now have a UNMC Postgraduate Blog. The blog (to quote from them): “This blog is produced by the Graduate School at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus. With this blog we plan to keep you …

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Centre for Post-harvest Biotechnology: Custom Tag

In a recent post I said that I would tag posts for specific groups so that you could use them on your own web site (for example) to give you a URL that provided easy access to blog posts. At that time, I set up a MEME tag, which gives access to all the posts …

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Welcome to Anita (Research Support Office Manager)

I am sure that many of you know Anita from the Graduate School (now the Research Training and Academic Development (RTAD) unit). We are delighted that Anita has now taken on the role of Research Support Office Manager. There is still a period of transition from RTAD but Anita is now the main point of …

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iSTREC Road Safety Innovation Challenge 2013

Although this is not particularly about resaerch, we thought that it was interesting enough to put on this blog. It would also be useful if you could disseminate to all your students as this blog (or more precisely, the newsletter), does not go to undergraduate students. We have recently recieved this email: Greetings from Agensi …

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Research and Knowledge Transfer Handbook: Updated (Version 3.00)

The Research and Knowledge Transfer Handbook has recently been updated. The new version (Version 3.00) can be downloaded from Workspace. The main changes are: An updated Open Access policy (Section 25) An updated Active Grants policy (Section 14) An updated MOU/MOA policy (Section 9) Each of these updates has been agreed by UNMC’s Management Board …

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Australian Business Deans Council (ABCD): Revised Journal List Announced

The Australian Business Deans Council (ABCD) has just announced its revsied journal list (in draft form at the time of writing). From their web site (About Us), the ABDC was: “Established in 2002 to represent Australia’s higher education business faculties and schools, the ABDC is particularly concerned to improve Business education through curriculum development, and …

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International Corporate Women Summit – Women in Business and Management

This post was contributed by Christina Chin and Geetha Baskaran International Corporate Women Summit- Women in Business and Management, 30 August 2013 in Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur Women have made much progress, pushing the envelope in many fields, yet there is still much room for improvement especially in the field of business and management. The …

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