Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

MOA with Universiti of Malaya: In the Press

On the 24th January, we signed an MOA with Universiti of Malaya that enables us to offer a joint PhD program. We are currently working on an event where we can start promoting the MOA and also attracting students. We hope that it will follow a similar format to the event we held for the …

Opening of MOE – Long Run Grant Scheme (LRGS) PHASE 1/2014 – 12 February 2014 to 12 March 2014

Dear All We are pleased to announce  the opening of Ministry Of Education – Long Run Grant Scheme (LRGS) PHASE 1/2014 applications as follows:   Researcher to submit online to RMC Internal screening committee to review, revert to Researcher for amendment Researcher to submit final copy online to RMC RMC to submit to MOE Now …

Call for Content

So, we’ve had Christmas, we’ve had New Year, we’ve had Chinese New Year (apart from the Lion Dance this Friday!) and teaching starts again is earnest. So, after the long break, we are sure you have many stories that would be appropriate for this blog. So, let us have your items. All we need is …

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Deep Sky Videos (Supernova in M82)

In this series, we are presenting videos from the Deep Sky Videos (Web Site / YouTube) project. The video below looks at the the Supernova in M82. Previous blog entries on this topic can be seen seen here (this is a link to entries tagged with Deep Sky Videos).

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TheConversation launches Education Section

A few days ago (03 Fe 2014), TheConversation launched an Education section. Not only is it interesting reading, but it would be great to see authors from The University of Nottingham writing for it, particularly people based at UNMC (both academics and professional services). There are a few people on campus who have already written …

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Overhauling your diet for 2014

“Diets have gained a bad reputation as something that seems to be just for starving people forcing themselves to eat salad. However, the word in and of itself just covers the food and drink that we consume. The start of the year always seems like a good time to turn that around. Giving us an …

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Malaysia Toray Science Foundation

The Malaysian Toray Science Foundation (MTSF) offers two awards and grants for MALAYSIAN RESEARCHERS every year, on science and technology related stuffs. The foundation gives TWO awards (each RM 30000) and TEN grants (each RM 60000).  Please visit the website for more details. All Malaysians, who’s interested to apply, please check the website, The …

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How to get ants to solve a chess problem

We have just had a piece published in TheConversation (other posts featuring TheConversation can be seen here). The article looks at a mathematical problem that asks whether a knight can visit every square on a chess board, exactly once, using legal knoight moves. The piece starts “Take a set of chess pieces and throw them …

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So, you wanna consult

Some academics at UNMC carry out consultancy (remembering, of course, that you need to request to carry out external work). We were recently interested to see a blog post from the NUBS Postgrad Careers blog. The post is aimed mainly at postgrads but we thought that it might be of interest to anybody who sees …

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What is carbon capture and utilisation?

TheConversation has a category called explainer articles. These are a really good way of finding out the basics of a particular topic. We thought that it would useful to feature some of these on this blog. In this post we’d like to feature What is carbon capture and utilisation?. The article starts: “Carbon and carbon …

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