February 11, 2014, by Graham Kendall
Opening of MOE – Long Run Grant Scheme (LRGS) PHASE 1/2014 – 12 February 2014 to 12 March 2014
Dear All
We are pleased to announce the opening of Ministry Of Education – Long Run Grant Scheme (LRGS) PHASE 1/2014 applications as follows:
Researcher to submit online to RMC | Internal screening committee to review, revert to Researcher for amendment | Researcher to submit final copy online to RMC | RMC to submit to MOE |
Now – 25 February 2014 (Tuesday) | 26 February 2014 – 4 March 2014 | 6 March 2014 (Thursday) | 11/3/2014 (Tuesday) |
Application need to be made online through https://mygrants.gov.my/
In line with the thrust of the Third PSPTN that is to Strengthening Research and Innovation, allocation for research funds under the 10th Plan has been increased to RM741 million for the years 2011 and 2012. This provision is intended to fund five (5) research programmes in which one of the research programmes is the Long Run Research Grant Scheme (LRGS).
LRGS is a fundamental nature of research, involving the scope of a more extensive and prolonged period of time and requires commitment. LRGS can produce new theories and ideas advanced in the niche-strategic niche for expansion of the boundaries of knowledge.
In addition, LRGS able to promote excellence in research that expand the boundaries of knowledge, especially in cutting edge areas of particular niches that have been identified. Through LRGS, multi-institutional cooperation across a range of institutional and multidisciplinary in nature can be built, the next will put Malaysia on the world map in terms of fundamental research in a niche-specific niches.
Research programme in LRGS focus on strategic areas of the country where there are seven (7) high impact niche led by five research universities (RU). LRGS Research Project Scheme will involve a minimum of three (3) institutions of higher learning (IHL) to ensure the mobilization of expertise in the research. In addition to the research project is multidisciplinary in nature involving the corpus of science & technology and social sciences & humanities. Seven high impact niche are: –
- global warming
- infectious diseases
- tropical medicine
- energy and water security
- adequacy of food
- advanced manufacturing and value added
- information and communication technology (ICT).
Apart from the seven niches that have been identified, other institutions can also apply for University Research niche by niche-IPT expertise.
Through research projects to be undertaken, the number of human capital and the number of research findings would be enhanced, in turn, will contribute significantly to national development in the research.
An attached letter, to the call from MoE, contained the following information:
To inform that research grant applications to conduct research projects under the long-term Research Grant Scheme LRGS in Phase 1/2014 will be made available to researchers at institutions of higher education began on 12 February 2014 to 12 March 2014.
3. The concept paper submitted must meet the conditions set based on LRGS Guidelines. Research period is from 3 to 5 years and must involve at least three (3) institutions. Ceiling for each program LRGS is RM3 million a year.
4. Applicant can log in to website https://mygrants.gov.my/ to fill in LRGS application starting from 12 February 2014 onwards. Details of LRGS guidelines can be found at
5. Therefore, your cooperation is requested to inform researchers at your IPT on the opening of LRGS applications for the year 2014.
6. Below is Format of writing a concept paper.
The concept paper submitted must include the following aspects:
1. Executive Summary
2. Background and Rationale LRGS Concept Paper
Prepare a concept paper of theoretical / scientific basis to strengthen the research program concept paper. Research programmes submitted must answer to the questions regarding the nature of fundamental research. Indicate the expected contribution of research to the scientific knowledge of global development and the effectiveness of Research and Development.
3. Description of Research Programme
Provide a framework plan for the implementation of research programmes. State briefly the projects under the program. List the institutions involved and their respective expertise to implement projects under the program. List the name of the project leaders and members of the project. Specify how to manage the diversity of disciplines and institutions to ensure that projects under the programme, contributing to the overall programme.
List the existing laboratory equipment for research purposes.
4. Research Methods
Show research methods / techniques to be used. Show how the method chosen can produce quality data, taking into account the reliability and validity data. Submit new research techniques are to be acquired as part of the implementation of the program. State briefly the statistical methods used.
5. Proof of Strength (track record) Research Group
Please provide evidence of the strength (track record) to five (5) years recent as scival-spotlight, h-index, previous research (related only) and others.
6. Expected Results / Output
Indicate the expected results / outputs from programs such as the number of Ph.D. students, the number of publications, new technology and so on.
7. Budget and application Duration.
Important Note:
i. The concept paper should not exceed 5 pages.
i.e. the strength of evidence (track record) group for a period of five years must be accompanied during a recent presentation to the panel.
Please don’t hesitate to contact MoE if you have any question or visit: http://jpt.mohe.gov.my/menupenyelidik.php for further information.
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Addressing ‘Global Warming’, “Energy and Water Security” and ICT
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