June 24, 2013, by Graham Kendall
Dr Glen Reynolds and South East Asia Rainforest Programme
Last week (20th June 2013) were we fortunate enough to have a visit from Dr Glen Reynolds, who is the Director & Senior Scientist of the South East Asia Rainforest Programme (SEARRP).
Glen is based at the Danum Valley Field Centre and gave a presentation of the various projects that he, and his team, are involved with.
They are carrying out fantastic work through a range of projects and I would encourge you to visit the SEARRP web site (it is also on Facebook).
As well as the SEARRP project, Glen is also involved with theĀ Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE).
For everybody that attended Glen’s excellent presentation, and the subsequent discussions, I would encourage you to follow up on the many interesting research opportunities that presented themselves.
Very interesting meeting indeed. SEARRP are doing a great job in Sabah. Thanks for organizing!