May 22, 2013, by Graham Kendall

Blog/WordPress Training: Interested?

We are planning to run some some short course(s) for the Research Support Office and Research Training and Academic Development in the use of WordPress (the blogging Platform) and sending out newsletters.

We thought it might be worth just seeing if there was anybody else who would be interested in attending this type of training.

We should emphasise that it will be basic training so if you are an experienced blogger and/or WordPress user, then this course is probably not for you.

The length of the course could be up to a full day (we are still working on the details).

The type of things that we will cover, include the following:

  • Blogging (what is it, why do it, why NOT do it etc.)
  • What to blog and what not to blog
  • WordPress basics (what is it, how do you access it, what skills do you need etc.)
  • How to format a blog post (using headers, numbered lists, bold, italics etc.)
  • Using a featured image
  • Internet, Intranet, Workspace, Twitter, THE internet, Blogs – what are the differences and do we care?
  • Permalinks, what are they and why are they important
  • WordPress categories
  • WordPress tags
  • Dealing with images (finding images, copyright issues, simple editing (using Paint))
  • Linking to YouTube
  • Uploading other types of files such as PDF files
  • Dealing with responses/comments
  • Scheduling posts in the future
  • Linking to content on your own blog, other people’s blogs and other web sites
  • Updating posts after they have been published – should you do it?
  • How to shorten a URL and why would you do that
  • How to insert an email link
  • Writing a newletter (how, why, tools to use)

If you are interested in attending such a course (and we are just trying to guage interest at the moment – no dates are set), please send an email (click on this link and replace the question marks with your name/email address) to Faz. Please do not ask any questions, gives dates for availability etc. At the moment we are just trying to get some basic information and we won’t respond to these emails.


Posted in Blog