March 7, 2013, by Graham Kendall
Invitation to an uncommon lecture on “Embodied Cognition – How Real Brains Learn” by Rita Carter
We have recently received the following invitation. If you want to go, please one of the methods below to register.
Neuramatix Distinguished Lecture Series 2013/2014
Embodied Cognition – How Real Brains Learn
to be officiated by
Ms Ng Wan Peng
Chief Operating Officer
Multimedia Development Corporation
Date: 19 March 2013
Time: 1.00 – 5.00 PM
Venue: Ballroom A, Level 6, Hilton Setral, Kuala Lumpur
The pursuit of intelligence in computer systems and devices is one of the penultimate goals of the information age. Recent announcements by the US and Swiss governments show renewed efforts to invest financial and intellectual resources at an unprecedented scale in neuroscience and artificial intelligence.
This month, President Obama proposed US$3 billion over the next decade for the Brain Activity Map (BAM) Project that seeks to do for the brain what the Human Genome Project did for genetics. Last year, the Swiss Government announced the allocation of €1 billion to develop a computer simulation of the brain.
Underlying the massive global efforts in neuroscience is the belief that the human brain, with all of its memories and processes, is basically a machine that stores and recalls patterns. When the structure and connections of these patterns are understood, they can be replicated to enable the development of intelligent systems and devices.
In line with this, the Neuramatix Distinguished Lecture Series brings eminent international scientists and notable speakers to the local community as part of our endeavour to connect technologists and neuroscientists in order to bring about advances in artificial intelligence in Malaysia.
We are pleased to invite you to the inaugural keynote lecture titled “Embodied Cognition – How Real Brains Learn” by Rita Carter, a renowned author, broadcaster and lecturer on brain science.
Rita Carter has been awarded numerous awards and her books are read throughout the world. These include Mapping the Mind, the first comprehensive layman’s guide to neuropsychology, Exploring Consciousness, Mapping Memory, Multiplicity – The New Science of Personality, Identity, and the Self and The Human Brain.
This lecture is an exceptional opportunity for Malaysian researchers and scientists to get insights of how experiences are encoded, consolidated, retrieved and then reconsolidated, and how the information they convey is distorted and changed in the process.
The lecture explores whether the resultant fallibility and plasticity of human memory is part of Nature’s design to enable adaptability. Could the incorporation of human brain “errors” make artificial intelligence more intuitive?
As places are limited, please confirm your attendance by registering via one of the following ways:
Online: www.neuramatix.com/register.php
E-mail: ailecture@neuramatix.com
Fax: Please download this form and fax your reply slip to 03- 2282 8102
For more information, please visit www.neuramatix.com/aboutdls.php or call 03-2283 1535
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