3D printing with atoms: Laboratory life
March 6, 2017
There is a long tradition of social scientists observing and analysing laboratory life. The most seminal book that has emerged from this tradition is probably Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar’s 1979 Laboratory Life: The social construction of scientific facts (they changed the subtitle in 1986 to ‘the construction of scientific facts, as they became aware …
Nano does Nottingham Does Comics
December 15, 2016
This is a guest post by Phil Moriarty. It continues the story of the graphic novel being created as part of a project trying to achieve 3D printing with atoms, which I have started to document here and here. *** Yesterday evening I spent a fun few hours at the Nottingham Writers’ Studio with my colleagues …
Radhika, Kim and the quantum cat: Graphic nanoscience
September 24, 2016
Some months ago I wrote a blog post about a physics project I am involved in here at the University of Nottingham, led by Professor Philip Moriarty which we call for short: 3D printing with atoms. I am engaged with the project as a social scientist interested in examining how such difficult research is being …
3D printing with atoms: Beginning a story
March 8, 2016
A while ago Phil Moriarty published a post here on the ‘Making Science Public’ blog to announce a new project in which we are both involved. He talked about ‘impact’, or rather, the ‘non-impact’ type public engagement work we want to do. The project deals with Mechanochemistry at the single bond limit: Towards deterministic epitaxy. …