A Fishing Trip?

Can early stage businesses gain useful knowledge and successfully grow their organisation by interacting with a virtual network of ‘experts’ and the wider business community? Will these entrepreneurs be able to ask for advice in public and will the ‘experts’ be willing to share their knowledge freely in an open forum? These are just a …

The Ingenuity Business Network – what’s in it for the University?

The Ingenuity breakfast events have been running for some years now, originally established as part of the funded Ingenuity Programme. When the funding for that programme came to an end, the University decided to continue to support the network which might make you wonder why – just what is in it for the University? Naturally, …

Seven Ways to Fix the World

Speaker: Chris Barnatt, Futurologist and Associate Professor of Computing and Future Studies, Nottingham University Business School  “Some scientist, somewhere, will solve the problem.” That’s the message that Chris Barnatt was most definitely not giving at this presentation for the Ingenuity Business Network. Instead he focused on seven ways that individuals, businesses large and small, and …