Nottinghamshire + D2N2 + Business
27 April, 2015
This week’s ingenuity breakfast session took on a different format and considered how changes in the public sector could present opportunities to local businesses. Richard Baker, Deputy Editor of the Nottingham Evening Post, put a range of questions to three representatives from the Council, Local Enterprise Partnerships along with Small and Medium Enterprises. Ingenuity Breakfast …
Creativity and Optimism in Business
17 April, 2014
Speakers: Dr Andrew Greenman, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Nottingham University Business School and Tony Brooks, Leadership Specialist at The Leadership Training Workshop. Driving small business growth through learning Andrew began today’s seminar with the question: How often do we sit back and think about what drives economic growth? It isn’t a simple question to …
8 November, 2012
This week at the end of the Jubilee year we celebrated our own 60th; the 60th Knowledge Transfer Partnership the University has been awarded. The Knowledge Transfer Partnership programme (KTP) is a government funded initiative that aims to transfer knowledge from the UK’s Universities and embed that knowledge in businesses of all sizes to help …
Seven Ways to Fix the World
3 October, 2012
Speaker: Chris Barnatt, Futurologist and Associate Professor of Computing and Future Studies, Nottingham University Business School “Some scientist, somewhere, will solve the problem.” That’s the message that Chris Barnatt was most definitely not giving at this presentation for the Ingenuity Business Network. Instead he focused on seven ways that individuals, businesses large and small, and …
It’s good to talk… even to academics
20 August, 2012
I spend a lot of my time visiting businesses from all sectors, everything from commercial archaeologists through to manufacturers of major household brands and taking in some big industrial players along the way. As a result, I see a lot of different businesses that each has its own issues. Of late I’ve seen a common …
Building an Innovative Organisation
10 July, 2012
Ingenuity Knowledge Exchange event – 11 July 2012 Speakers: Dr Mat Hughes, Nottingham University Business School and Stuart Ross“You can’t sack yourself so what are you going to do?” As a business owner, says Mat Hughes, you might well have fallen into a couple of natural traps that have killed off your once-entrepreneurial spirit. Whilst …
I am a Bear of Very Little Brain
1 May, 2012
It almost goes without saying that Universities are stuffed full of very clever people. Even after five years in the University though I’m still excited to see a Nobel Prize winner in the carpark (he gets his own space!) Or stand in the cafe queue behind the eminent Chemistry Professor whose periodic table videos went …
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