Making Good Decisions
26 September, 2014
Speakers: Dr Neil Sinclair and Dr Jules Holroyd, Department of Philosophy. Decisions: we face them every day of our lives, but making them isn’t always easy. From the seemingly trivial to the biggest life decisions, how do we know we’re making the ‘right’ choices? In business, we often face difficult decisions. Hiring, firing, planning, evaluating …
Sustainability In The Workplace
30 June, 2014
Speakers: Dr Ben Bedwell and Dr Caroline Leygue, Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute Rising energy costs are having a considerable impact on businesses. Energy consumption, particularly from lighting and heating, accounts for a considerable proportion of the monthly spend of workplaces across the UK. Yet despite often being treated as fixed costs, the expenses incurred …
The Absolute Beginner’s Guide To Sat Nav
27 June, 2014
Speakers: Paul Bhatia, General Manager, GRACE, Steve Fuller, Project Officer, GRACE, Prof Terry Moore, Director, Nottingham Geospatial Institute, Dr Simon Roberts, Research Fellow, Nottingham Geospatial Institute We all use Satellite Navigation technology in our everyday lives through smart phones and in-car units, but what’s it got to do with building our businesses? That was the question on most …
Doing Business With China – A Guide To Cultural Etiquette
6 June, 2014
Workshop Leader: Sujing Xu, University of Nottingham School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world and many businesses from the UK are now taking advantage of the commercial opportunities offered by this expanding market. However, in order to form successful business relationships in China, it …
Effective Leadership Communication
20 May, 2014
Workshop Leader: Dr Louise Mullany, Associate Professor of Sociolinguistics, Director of Business Engagement, School of English. With Dr Sarah Grandage, Lecturer in Language and Drama, School of English & Geoff Bannister, Freelance Actor and Digital Project Manager. Effective Leadership What qualities best describe effective leadership? What characterises effective communication? Those were Dr Louise Mullany’s opening questions …
Dress to impress!
4 March, 2014
I spoke at an event this morning entitled Dress to Impress. The mismatch between me and the title of the session caused much hilarity for my wife who continually asked me, “so why are YOU speaking at this event again?” To be clear for anyone that knows or has ever met me, I wasn’t giving …
Maximising the Commercial Impact of Design
1 April, 2012
Post by Francine Pickering, Ingenuity Workshop, 30th March 2012, review Thomas Edison created the electric light bulb and then wrapped an entire industry round it. Without his ability to understand how people would want to use his invention, it would simply be a gimmick and the novelty would soon have worn off. The importance of …
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