8 November, 2012
This week at the end of the Jubilee year we celebrated our own 60th; the 60th Knowledge Transfer Partnership the University has been awarded. The Knowledge Transfer Partnership programme (KTP) is a government funded initiative that aims to transfer knowledge from the UK’s Universities and embed that knowledge in businesses of all sizes to help …
It’s good to talk… even to academics
20 August, 2012
I spend a lot of my time visiting businesses from all sectors, everything from commercial archaeologists through to manufacturers of major household brands and taking in some big industrial players along the way. As a result, I see a lot of different businesses that each has its own issues. Of late I’ve seen a common …
I am a Bear of Very Little Brain
1 May, 2012
It almost goes without saying that Universities are stuffed full of very clever people. Even after five years in the University though I’m still excited to see a Nobel Prize winner in the carpark (he gets his own space!) Or stand in the cafe queue behind the eminent Chemistry Professor whose periodic table videos went …
Castles and Factories
5 April, 2012
Just as castles provided the source of strength for medieval towns, and factories provided prosperity in the industrial age, universities are the source of strength in the knowledge based economy of the twenty‐first century. – Lord Dearing, former University of Nottingham Chancellor. For me that seems like a good way to open my first …
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