June 26, 2013, by criticalmoment
Free Book! Badiou in Jamaica: The Politics of Conflict
As promised in an earlier post, here I am blowing my own trumpet! My book, Badiou in Jamaica: The Politics of Conflict is finally out. I went with Re.Press because they are an Open Access publisher committed to enabling intellectual work at a distance from the market logics increasingly dominating even academic publishing. In other words, the book is on a creative commons license that means you can download it for free and share it with whomever you wish. If you prefer a hard-copy version, you can get one from Amazon but not for free (perhaps some of your money might eventually go towards Amazon’s corporate tax bill in the UK?). You might also be interested in the second part of my interview with New Left Project which outlines the gist of the book. Enjoy!
Best Wishes,
Colin Wright
Thanks for posting this, Colin. It’s essential that academic publishing, especially in Critical Theory, defends open access.