Are Illnesses a Transformative Experience

Illnesses are a normal part of our day-to-day human existential lives. One is expected to experience some form of it whether it’s through going clubbing during freshers or contracting the flu. Or it is simply in its mental form whereby you are undergoing depressive episodes, having mental breakdowns, anxiety, etc.   It can be …

Being ‘rational’ and what you CAN’T expect……

This morning I attended a philosophy lecture on a paper by Laurie Paul, and it was actually worth getting up for! (9ams….the struggle is real) I’ll admit I was still waking up when I first arrived, but the question “Is that rational?” Is one I ask regularly. REAL TALK: Paul’s ideas were interesting, so much …


  I woke up this morning, considering myself to be a logical and rational individual. However, after attending Andy Fisher’s lecture on L.A Paul’s decision making, all my preconceptions have swiftly flown out the window. In fact, I found out that almost all previous decisions I made based on ‘rationality’ were non-rational decisions.    I know…     All will …

Landing Your First Job- Non-Rational?

1. Laurie Paul Will Change YOUR LIFE I’ve always known that rational decision-making was hard. I didn’t know that sometimes, it is impossible!    2. We ALL Have to Face Big Decisions Sometimes… Like Rachel Green. Should she… 1. Continue living out of “Daddy’s wallet?” 2. Get her first job/ be financially independent?         3. …

Do we always make the right decisions?

This morning I went to a lecture which explored a paper by Laurie Paul on transformative experiences. Her paper has widened my view towards how well humanity are able to make decisions.     How do we make rational decisions? A rational decision is one that is straight forward for Paul. We weigh up the values …

Making an Important Decision? This may help…

I usually struggle to get myself in the right mindset for lectures, but what I learnt today ‘transformed’ my life.  Imagine the shock I received when I was told today in my lecture that sometimes, it is impossible to make some decisions rationally. Fancy a holiday to Japan? Well, you wont be able to make a rational …

Is it Rational to go Skydiving?

1. How we would Normally Decide The ordinary way of discovering the most rational action is calculating the expected value of each outcome. The value of each outcome takes into account: The value of each particular outcome The probability of each outcome occurring In terms of skydiving, we would assess the value of going skydiving, …

Decision time: should you go to university?

The decision to go to university can be a tricky one. Fear not, I attended a philosophy lecture which shed light on making decisions and got me thinking about that all important question. Here is a taste of what went on.. Let’s talk rationality Most of us want to be rational in our everyday lives.  Normally …

Deciding whether to have a baby? – Well, you can’t!

Have you ever thought about how and why we make decisions? What influences our decision making? And can we trust our ability to make decisions? #LauriePaul philosopher and academic believes there are certain are decisions we cannot rationally make. These decisions are so life changing and incomparable with other life experiences that you cannot make a …

The Life-Changing Magic of Non-Rational Decisions

The open days are in full swing across the University.  There are hundreds of events giving you a taste of just how great it is to study – and be a student – at Notts. I headed down to the Philosophy Department to listen to Laurie Paul’s lecture all about life-changing decisions.   It got me …