Do we always make the right decisions?

This morning I went to a lecture which explored a paper by Laurie Paul on transformative experiences. Her paper has widened my view towards how well humanity are able to make decisions.     How do we make rational decisions? A rational decision is one that is straight forward for Paul. We weigh up the values …

Is it Rational to go Skydiving?

1. How we would Normally Decide The ordinary way of discovering the most rational action is calculating the expected value of each outcome. The value of each outcome takes into account: The value of each particular outcome The probability of each outcome occurring In terms of skydiving, we would assess the value of going skydiving, …

Protected: So, you think you can make a rational decision?

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How Philosophy can Help you Make Decisions

Everyone knows that you can always make rational decisions. Right? Last week I sat in on a lecture that convinced me otherwise. 1. What is a rational decision? Rational decisions seem complicated. However they’re actually very simple. All you have to do is choose the action that you think will lead to the best outcome. …

Protected: Secrets of successful decision making

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Have Your Past Decisions Ever Been Rational?

Did you miss the Prospective Students’ Philosophy lecture? I am here to fill you in!       In the lecture, discussion was based around a philosophical paper titled, ‘What You Can’t Expect When You’re Expecting’ by L. A. Paul.     1. Decision-Making Is HARD: In deciding how we should act, people make decisions based on calculating …