Do we always make the right decisions?

This morning I went to a lecture which explored a paper by Laurie Paul on transformative experiences. Her paper has widened my view towards how well humanity are able to make decisions.     How do we make rational decisions? A rational decision is one that is straight forward for Paul. We weigh up the values …

Is it Rational to go Skydiving?

1. How we would Normally Decide The ordinary way of discovering the most rational action is calculating the expected value of each outcome. The value of each outcome takes into account: The value of each particular outcome The probability of each outcome occurring In terms of skydiving, we would assess the value of going skydiving, …

Decision time: should you go to university?

The decision to go to university can be a tricky one. Fear not, I attended a philosophy lecture which shed light on making decisions and got me thinking about that all important question. Here is a taste of what went on.. Let’s talk rationality Most of us want to be rational in our everyday lives.  Normally …

Protected: So, you think you can make a rational decision?

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What you need to know before making big decisions.

There’s more than one way to make a decision. Rationally: This seems to come naturally to us. If we are choosing between two courses of action we project the outcomes of each action, assign values to those outcomes, then, purse the outcome with the highest value. Example: Do I start that 3000 word essay early …