December 20, 2017, by apych2

Being ‘rational’ and what you CAN’T expect……

This morning I attended a philosophy lecture on a paper by Laurie Paul, and it was actually worth getting up for! (9ams….the struggle is real)

I’ll admit I was still waking up when I first arrived, but the question “Is that rational?” Is one I ask regularly.

REAL TALK: Paul’s ideas were interesting, so much so that I’ll summarise them for ya.

When you have a decision to make, the natural thing to do is to weigh up the different things could happen as each will have pros and cons.  Selecting the best overall outcome is a rational decision  (according to idealised models).

The decision to go out for pizza – instead of having spaghetti hoops for dinner (again…) – after a marathon library session was rational as it had the best overall outcome.

10/10 would recommend @PizzaStormUK

Eating spaghetti hoops would have been irrational as it doesn’t bring about the best overall outcome.

BUT… what if we don’t know what something is like/ can’t figure it out?

Paul argues we are wrong in thinking we can make rational life changing decisions if we haven’t had the ‘transformative experience’ ourselves.

Before I came to uni I visited friends, visited halls, saw rooms etc… but moving into halls, for me was definitely a transformative experience! Basically, a lack of experience of uni life caused me to lack the corresponding knowledge. So on Paul’s view, this decision was non rational.

I loved my room in halls!!! @broadgatepark

I really enjoyed this philosophy lecture, but it did make me a bit stressed and unsettled.. It’s weird to think that I can’t make rational decisions about important life choices

I’ve decided to not overthink these distinctions or dwell too much on them.. but I hope you’ve found this useful or interesting at least!

me irl not dwelling


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