December 13, 2017, by aeytm2

Landing Your First Job- Non-Rational?

1. Laurie Paul Will Change YOUR LIFE

I’ve always known that rational decision-making was hard. I didn’t know that sometimes, it is impossible!


 2. We ALL Have to Face Big Decisions Sometimes…

Like Rachel Green. Should she…

1. Continue living out of “Daddy’s wallet?”

2. Get her first job/ be financially independent?





3. How can she make the choice that is most valuable (best) for her?

She reflects on what it would be like to get a job…

Pros: 1) Independence 2) Make Daddy Proud

Cons: 1) Bills

She knows the answer: get a job, right?


4. Wrong: Decision-Making is HARD.

Rachel doesn’t have the information needed to choose rationally: She can’t know the value that getting a job would have! She’s never had a job before; so doesn’t know what it’s like!


5. Don’t Worry: Paul will explain all.

  • Transformative Experience-  a new experience that changes your life in an important way.
    Like Rachel’s job.

Rachel’s decision is Non-Rational…

  • A Non-Rational decision involves a Transformative Experience in the outcome. BUT, you have no previous knowledge to make an accurate judgment of the possible outcomes.

Paul: To make a decision on what a Transformative Experience would be like without having had such experience is always Non-Rational.



  • A Rational Decision doesn’t involve a Transformative Experience in the outcome, and selects the action believed to produce the most valued outcome.

Like deciding to get re-hired at your first job because you loved it.

  • An Irrational Decision doesn’t involve a Transformative Experience in the outcome, and selects the action which isn’t believed to promote the most valued outcome.

Like deciding to get re-hired at your first job because you hated it.


So, Remember…

Thank Laurie Paul next time YOU make a big decision.  It may be Non-Rational too.

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