May 19, 2021, by Sean May

Understanding and embracing neurodiversity

There is no such thing as a ‘normal’ human brain, but there are general demographic commonalities which we call ‘neurotypical’. Around 10% of the human population vary from this diffuse majority and are defined as neurodivergent.

Neurodivergency can include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia – amongst others. Many neuro-minority individuals live undiagnosed.

Ardi presentation

Ardi’s video

This wide range simply reflects an infinite variation in human neurocognitive functioning. Increased awareness and familiarity with these neurological definitions helps us replace negative stereotypes with more balanced views of their (your/our) gifts and needs.

Ardeshir Farmanfarmian is a PhD student in Food Science and has kindly produced a short video explaining his own experiences of neurodiversity with a view to promoting ASD awareness and understanding.

For an alternative introduction to neurodiversity (from the School of Psychology) with some additional insightful interviews with neurodiverse individuals at UoN please see the recent webinar below.

Posted in EDI