December 13, 2017, by Helen Lovatt
Languages, Texts and Society: A New PG Journal
Melanie Fitton-Hayward announces a new post-graduate journal based at the University of Nottingham
After publishing its first issue in April 2017, LTS editors are busy preparing for the second issue. There’s submissions to sort through, final articles to be edited, book reviews to be collated, peer reviewers to find, and style templates to be applied. Now that we’ve started a new academic year, we are looking to spread the word about our exciting project, and get some new postgraduates on board (Masters or PhD, from any Arts department).
LTS (Languages, Texts and Society) is an online, peer-reviewed, open-access postgraduate journal evaluating how communications, languages and texts are shaped by and shape society, including:
- Innovative methods to produce, collect and study texts
- Texts in professional and educational contexts
- How texts shape experience and cultural legacy
- Translation of languages and cultures
- Cultural impact of performance texts
Being on our editorial board offers a range of opportunities, with roles available within marketing, social media, or simply to act as one of our representatives at events or research groups. Becoming a full editor involves completely overseeing the project, while assistant editors are usually responsible for seeing one article through its peer review process.
As well as recruiting editors, we’re also looking for those who might want to contribute to an issue, whether that’s by writing a book review or article, or by peer-reviewing a submission. LTS welcome articles on any relevant topic (feel free to send us an abstract first, if you want to check before you go ahead with writing) and they should be around 6,000 words.
Alongside articles, our issues include book reviews, which are a fantastic way for you to practise your skills of critical reading and writing. We welcome book reviews on any title relevant to the RPA and published in the last 3 years.
You may also wish to act as a peer reviewer yourself, to practise your skills at reviewing and compare your review with that of an academic. If you register with us as a peer reviewer, we will call on your services if we receive an article which suits your area of specialism.
Finally, if you are fortunate enough to speak another language, we would love to publish your translations. These should be of postgraduate articles, already published in a foreign-language peer reviewed journal.
There are also other opportunities – perhaps you’re hosting a conference and would like to publish some papers via our journal. If you can think of any other ways you would like to collaborate with us at LTS, please just get in touch.
If you’d like to find out more, email us on: pg-lts@nottingham.ac.uk, or visit: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/languagestextssociety/.
Editors: Melanie Fitton-Hayward (Classics), Katie Harrison (CLAS), Abdulmalik Ofemile (English), Katrina Wilkins (English).
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