December 8, 2016, by Grace S
4 Feelings You Should Have About Your First Choice University
Choosing a university and course is a very large and very daunting decision. But it is also a very instinctive decision; no matter what people say on open days or what your teachers tell you it needs to be your decision.
I remember how much thought went into the choice before I settled on the University of Nottingham, so here are four feelings you’ve got to have about your first choice university.
1. Excitement
When you look round your prospective university and learn about what you will be studying, you should be excited. Excited to go and learn, excited to move into the halls you are looking round, and excited to take part in some of the clubs on offer. If you aren’t excited to go to a university then maybe it isn’t the right one for you.
2. Intrigue
This can start from the beginning of your search through UCAS or the ranking tables. The need to know more about the university. It can manifest when hearing about accommodation and you feel the need to know what is included in the rooms and how much it will cost.
3. Joy
Now this come later, once you have put in your five options and are waiting on your offers. Nothing in this whole process will compare to the feeling you get when the email comes in from UCAS saying there has been a change on your application. I have never typed so fast in my life and I still remember the joy when a saw that I had got an offer for the University of Nottingham!
4. Memory
This isn’t an emotion but I feel like it is too important to miss off this list. I am all for taking notes on open days but I found that the university I could remember most about was my first choice. I went to nine university open days in total and so by the end everything blurred together. But I could remember most about the University of Nottingham and the course here too. That means that you are drawn in more at that university, and that university has more of the things that you find important.
In the end, you just have to go with your heart. There are many things to consider and many options too way up but how you feel goes a long way towards making that decision.
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