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My guide to starting your own business – Part 7 “Reputation and Integrity”

Written by: R L (Bob) Hall (BSc, PhD; University Of Nottingham ) Owner & MD of Top & Jeffries Limited; Co-owner & Chairman of Fuel Additive Science Technologies Limited, Shropshire, UK It takes forever to get established. Growing a business is a bit like assembling that flat pack furniture we all buy. You are reasonably competent …

Interpreting Grandiose Job Titles

By Steve Miller (Management Studies 2010) A recent office discussion sparked an entertaining debate about job titles and their meanings. There was a time when the term ‘Executive’ would have meant a senior managerial role in an business organisation. Now just about anyone can call themselves an executive (for example my window cleaner) and the …

Windows on Russia and Eastern Europe

Windows is a collection of individuals’ tales of how the Communist-controlled lands of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe evolved from Stalinism to Gorbachev’s perestroika to the robber baron days of the 1990s and finally to today’s uneasy mix of free markets and semi-authoritarian rule. The stories are those of graduates of Slavonic studies, who chose …