Guest Blog: 1975 -76 Alumni Reunion
September 24, 2015
Written by Mark Cleverley (Biochemistry and Chemistry, 1975) At the very start of September 2015, seven former graduates, either from 1975 or 1976, attended a get-together on campus. The programme was overseen by Genelva Meikle and Stephanie Hambling within the Alumni Relations Office, to whom we are most grateful for their enthusiastic input. Genelva had suggested …
May Fest 2015: Our annual community event
May 14, 2015
Last Saturday saw the annual May Fest celebrations take place across the University Park campus. The event is an opportunity for the University to open its doors to the local community and alumni, to showcase what we do and promote higher education. The programme of events consisted of a range of interactive activities and competitions …
School of Chemistry Alumni Careers Dinner , March 2014
April 9, 2015
The country which is in advance of the rest of the world in chemistry will also be foremost in wealth and in general prosperity. WILLIAM RAMSAY, 1852 – 1916 On Tuesday 24 March, the School of Chemistry held a Chemistry Alumni Careers Dinner in the Senate Chamber, Trent …
Spring Reunions and Sporting Heroes
March 4, 2015
“Spring is the time of plans and projects.” Leo Tolstoy Spring is fast approaching and the Alumni Relations team is busy planning a whole host of international events, so please keep a close eye on our event calendar. During the weekend of 7 February, Alumnus Ian Sutton (Geology, 1961) returned to University Park campus …
Golden Reunion, Class of 1964
October 23, 2014
On Saturday 11 October, we welcomed back 40 alumni and guests from the class of 1964 to our annual Golden Reunion. Alumni travelled from as far as Greece to reminisce with old friends and see how the University has changed. For some guests it was the first time back on campus in 50 years! The …
International Family Link
September 18, 2014
Would you be willing to support our International Students? Earlier this year the International Family Link celebrated its 10th year. The scheme has been deemed a great success and over the years has been beneficial not only to international students, but to local Nottingham residents. The aim of the programme is to… Provide unique opportunities …
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