How the Cascade funded Lakeside Literacy project inspired me to teach…
December 11, 2013
Written by Abigail Blaylock When I was small, I had this favourite picture from The Wind in the Willows. It was of Mole, Ratty, Badger and Toad having a picnic in the middle of a hollow tree. For children, hollow trees were everywhere, in the chronicles of Narnia, for the Famous Five to hide in, for …
Malaysian Rainforest Project
November 20, 2013
Biology student James Mudie took part in a trip to the tropical rainforests of the Krau Wildlife Reserve, Malaysia this summer. While he was there he assisted with research into the agriculture carried out by local people and its impact on forest regeneration. Funded thanks to donations from alumni and friends to the Cascade fund, …
Nurturing Talent
January 8, 2013
David Willetts’ interview in The Independent last week discussing the idea of positive discrimination from University admissions towards white working class males has re-ignited the debate around the diversity of students attending UK Universities. As the debate continues it is recognised by most that University admissions alone cannot make the changes needed to increase the …
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