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Wisdom From a Final Year

This blog post was written by final year student, Una Kunhya, from the School of English. So that’s it for me, I have just handed in my final pieces of coursework and completed my last exam. It is an exciting moment as I look towards the future, but also remember all the memories of my …

Life as an Intern: Derby Book Festival

This blog post was written by final year English student, Sophia Harris. I’m currently in the final year of my English degree, in the midst of writing the last essays I will ever compose, teaching at a primary school and, resisting the urge to plan a sunny holiday, I am an intern at Derby Book …

Poets Laureate Then and Now

This blog post was written by Second Year student Louisa Cluett. Poets Laureate Then and Now will be a day of poetry readings and discussions about the public role of poetry both in the past and present, and how it affects our local and national identity. There will be four high profile poets reading at the …

Exploring Nottingham, post-exams

This blog post was written by English and Hispanic student, Sally Hirst. With the end of the exam period barely on the horizon, it may seem pre-emptive to consider how to fill your free time between the final deadline and results day, but it’s a good form of motivation. In Nottingham there are plenty of …

The Experience of Working for One of the Big Five Publishing Companies: HarperCollins

This blog post was written by third-year English with Creative Writing student, Amina Youssef. The publishing world is renowned for being one of the most difficult sectors to enter, but despite this I am determined to achieve a career in the industry. The best way to gain a step onto the ladder is through work …

Drama Serial by Radio Alwan – A Lifeline for Syrians

This blog post was written by second year English student, Victoria Lorriman from the School of English. Radio Alwan started life in 2013 in Northern Syria as a small station only broadcasting for four hours each day from an aerial fixed onto a van [1]. The radio station rapidly expanded, its independent updates on the …

Lobsters, Regionalism, and Much More: T. S. Eliot and British Surrealism in the 1930s

This blog post was written by School of English PhD student, Xiaofan Xu. At first glance, T. S. Eliot and surrealism just do not seem to click. Eliot is known to have rejected a manuscript on French surrealism in 1926 for publication in his Criterion, with a dismissive comment that ‘I cannot feel that the …

Assessment Days…wait, they still have those?

This blog post was written by final year English and Philosophy student, Rishi Davda. As a final year, I try to balance my time between reading lists, sleeping, and job applications. Occasionally one of those job applications, which you submit six minutes before the deadline, actually goes beyond the dreaded mass email response beginning with …

Archaeology at Rendlesham

This blog post was written by Dr. John Baker, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Name-Studies. We’re familiar with stories about richly furnished burials such as Taplow in Buckinghamshire and Sutton Hoo in Suffolk, where the dead were placed under large mounds and accompanied by treasures. Increasingly, we’re able to shed light on the wider landscape of …

The Book, The Tea, The Place to Be…

This blog post was written by final year American Studies and English student, Radhika Chond, from the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies. It’s that time of year again when Easter is somehow all done and dusted and you’re caught out wondering where the time has raced off to… In and amongst those academic …