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From China to UK: What to Expect

Hi, I’m Yangyang majoring in English Literature. It’s my first year here and a pleasure to share my blog with you. My preparation for studying in the UK at the University of Nottingham started a year ago. Before that, living in the UK was just an abstract idea. I was barely prepared to fit into …

Second year – the future is near!

This blog post was written by second year English and Philosophy student, Emily Patel Now that I am in my second year of university, many things are different. I am now living in a house instead of halls, and I have new modules. Both of these changes are for the better – although living in …

Hold the Vision, Trust the Process

This blog post was written by third year Classical Civilisation and English student, Rosanna Bell. When people would say ‘university years are the best years of your life’, I took it as pressure to make it so. Suddenly, in my third and final year, I’m increasingly questioning whether my university experience will fulfil this expectation. …

I’m a Souprunner: An Invaluable Way to Volunteer Your Time

This blog post was written by third year English student, Anna Parry. Like many students at University, I wanted to volunteer my time and give something back to my community. For a year I convinced myself that it would be too difficult; too time consuming; and that my help wasn’t wanted or needed. It wasn’t …

Just Keep Reading!

This blog post was written by second year English student, Jaya Prabhakar. During my final year of A-Levels, I mentioned to my English teacher that it would be fun to start a book club with my friends once, I was at university. I was, admittedly, confused when she rebuked my idea with a laugh, saying, …

A terrifyingly literal girl power tale: Naomi Alderman’s The Power

This blog post was written by first year English student, Polly Moss. Set in a world in which women gain the biological ability to release jolts of electricity through their hands and fingers, Naomi Alderman’s, ‘The Power’, portrays the potential consequences of a total social overhaul in which women become the dominant sex. First awoken …

Reflection on a Year as an Intern

This blog post was written by third year English student, Emily Harbottle. It can be difficult to know where to start when looking for work experience and internships whilst at University, and is often a very daunting task, especially considering the likelihood of repeated rejection. When I decided to apply for a placement with Catena …

From A Level to Degree Level

Hi, my name’s Chris, I’m an A level student studying in Nottingham. For my work experience I spent a week in the School Of English. During my time here I had the opportunity to speak to staff about studying English at university, finding out information which I couldn’t find anywhere else. I thought this would …

The t-rex-perience my English degree gave me to enter the lost world of digital marketing

Why the dinosaur puns? Those prehistoric creatures helped to train my English academic skills into digital marketing abilities, through a placement which the University of Nottingham’s School of English arranged. This is the story of how a bewildered English student became a digital marketing executive at a leading agency. It’s a fact that many people …

One year down, two to go!

This blog post was written by first year English and Philosophy student, Emily Patel. As I walked out of my last exam, I realised that my first year of being a student was officially over. I had six exams which felt like a lot, and I was ready to celebrate that evening. That didn’t quite …