Student voice on environment and social justice

In her first post, Emily Holmes introduces her role in the Students’ Union and plans for 2014/15. In March 2014 the Students’ Union elections took place and I succeeded in getting the position of Environment and Social Justice (ESJ) Officer, taking over from my predecessor Michael Olatokun in July. The Environment and Social Justice Officer role …

Southwell Hall are the Go Greener Halls Competition Winners!

The 2013/2014 Go Greener Hall Competition has now ended ( well, it actually finished at the end of March, but with the Easter break being late and students not coming back till the start of May etc), and the Environment Team can now announce that the winning hall is Southwell! Southwell Hall, on Jubilee Campus, …

Sustainability – 2020 Vision

The University is currently developing its strategic plan, looking ahead to the period 2015 – 2020, so it’s right that we refresh the University’s environment strategy and consider the wider sustainability issues we face in 2014. The University published its current Environment Strategy in 2010 and has been acknowledged as broad, ambitious and setting out an …

Earth Hour @ UNMC

Students Mable Lim (year 1 environmental science) and Chen Siang Hui (year 2 chemical engineering) share the highlights of Earth Hour on The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. The 4th UNMC Earth Hour was held on 29th March 2014 at the central plaza of UNMC. It was the largest turnout for an Earth Hour event at UNMC …

No Flush!

Joanna Stanyard, a civil engineering student, shares her experiences of working on an eco-sanitation project in Ghana. During the summer break, a team of three engineering and three nursing students travelled to the Volta region of Ghana as part of the NoFlush! Team. The group was put together thanks to funding from the University’s Cascade fund and …

Student Action for Sustainability: The Sustainability Research Network (SRN)

The University’s Sustainable Research Network report on their autumn programme of events.  Sustainability and entrepreneurship were the themes of the most recent Sustainability Research Network (SRN) event held on Friday 11th October at UoN main campus (UK). Joined by Dr. Kevin Hard, a University of Nottingham alumnus and CEO of EvoEnergy, the UK’s leading solar …

Start as you mean to go on

Kay Cocks, Energy and Environmental Officer, describes the Sustainability Team’s plans for Week One and beyond. September is a busy month for any University with the rush to get everything ready for the return of the students – and the Sustainability Team is no exception. Aside from making sure we have enough recycling bins, and …

Pass it on! Nottingham students build communities for sharing with new app

The idea of the brand new app is simple: to bring together people who want something and those who have it. And, unlike websites such as Freecycle and Freegle, the app uses existing social networks – such as Facebook – so that you can share with your friends. The app is called Neehoy and will …