ISCN Conference Day 2: Corporate/University Engagement

What are the skills that business needs in its workforce? How can universities ensure their graduates are equipped with those skills to enable business to be more sustainable? Research underway by the ISCN shows that whilst universities are providing well for the corporate sustainability roles there is significant room for improvement in how a wider …

International Sustainable Campus Network Conference 2015 (Day 2)

Regional Perspectives on Global Change Andy Nolan continues his coverage of the ISCN conference: John Robinson, Assoc Provost, Sustainability, University of British Columbia opened the morning’s dialogue session with a positive challenge to delegate, showing how, as a sizeable organisation with single ownership, a public mandate and an those around teaching and research, there is no …

International Sustainable Campus Network Conference 2015

The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) recently held it’s 9th annual conference at The University of Hong Kong. The theme of the conference was “Expanding the Dialogue: Sustainability in a Connected World”. The conference brought together experts and practitioners from across the globe for cross-cutting communication and connection between higher education, business, government and civil …

University of Nottingham in the Final for Green Gowns 2015 with 4 Initiatives

On 7th July the shortlisted entries for the prestigious Green Gown Awards were announced and it was really pleasing to see 4 projects from The University of Nottingham there. Even more pleasing was the fact that the 4 projects came from such a wide-range of initiatives – with submissions from The Faculty of Engineering, The …

Green Week at UNMC: Use your Power!

Written by Associate Professor Svenja Hanson,  Head of the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department Malaysia Campus and Chair of the UNMC Environment Committee. Just before we enter the busiest part of the year obsessing about the impending end-of-semester deadlines, the SA Sustainability Network, SA Nature Club and the Sustainability Research Network Malaysia (SRN) treated us to …

Students’ Union Green Week is a Success

Students’ Union ESJ Officer, Emily Holmes reviews her recent Green Week at the University of Nottingham. At the end of February the Environment and Social Justice Society, alongside the University’s Sustainability Team and Sustrans ran a ‘Green Week’. The aim of this  week was to engage students in environmental activities around the University and increase …

Fairtrade Fortnight at the University

Did you know that the University of Nottingham has been a Fairtrade University since 2004? Fairtrade Fortnight is from Monday 23rd February until Sunday 8th March The University is holding a variety of events and activities throughout the two weeks, which include; Fairtrade milkshakes, cupcakes and muffins being sold at the Juice Bar, Coates Cafe …

I want my influence to be positive

First year student Peter Mullard, Environment and Social Justice rep for Derby Hall, shares his passion for all things environmental. A childhood spent making dens in the woods, exploring caves with my friends and cycling with my dad has made me rather attached to the green and luscious outdoors. Nature has been my playground for as …

Bikes for hire

Louisa Barron shares first-hand experience of the University’s bike hire scheme. The Ucycle bike hire scheme has been running for several years, however as a student at the University and then a temporary employee, I had no idea it existed until this autumn when I started to help issue the hire bikes. But it really is …

Environmental Sustainability Project Management NAA Module – is it for you?

Environmental sustainability is becoming more prevalent and gaining importance within the workplace. Do you want to gain some vital experience in this area and prepare yourself for your next step? The University of Nottingham is one of the “greenest” universities in the world, and so are in a perfect position to help provide an excellent advantage …