Recycling, Fairtrade Footballs and Climate Change: A Reflection
July 2, 2019
Our student intern Meg reflects on her year as Sustainability Communications and Engagement Assistant for the University of Nottingham. When I first saw the sustainability engagement assistant role advertised, I talked myself out of the role: I won’t have time, someone else will be better than me; a friend pointed out that 6 hours a …
What if modern slavery is funding fast fashion?
February 25, 2019
Guest post by Amelia Watkins, director of UoN Against Slavery, for Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 at The University of Nottingham. Our world is broken. Oxfam reported that the top 26 people in the world own the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of humanity. In this bottom half of humanity, the ILO cited poor working …
Health, Food and the Environment: what do healthcare students need to know?
March 28, 2017
Dr Linda East, Associate Professor in the School of Health Sciences, reports on a tasty workshop for healthcare students. Health care educators have long been interested in the social and environmental determinants of health and well-being. In recent years, a growing understanding of the links between climate change and health has led to the establishment of …
Nottingham represents UK at Enactus World Cup
November 29, 2016
Josh Curtis, Enactus International Director, reports on Enactus Nottingham’s success at this year’s Enactus World Cup. The Enactus World Cup is an event unlike any other. This year, student, business, and world leaders came together in Toronto, Canada in celebration of a shared commitment to using entrepreneurial action to create a better, more sustainable world …
Researching food waste on campus
January 12, 2016
Undergraduate James Strode shares the progress so far on his dissertation. I’m a 3rd Year Geographer and my dissertation is focusing on The University of Nottingham and food waste. I am undertaking an analysis of how waste is produced, managed and disposed of on University Park Campus, alongside what staff and students think of the …
Do you have a sustainability challenge for MSc students?
November 25, 2015
Do you have a sustainability challenge and wish to partner with a leading Centre for Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Europe? The ICCSR at the Nottingham University Business School is a leader in responsible business and sustainability research and teaching in Europe, and as part of our MSc in Sustainability offering, we run an experiential …
St Peter’s Court’s green impact
November 2, 2015
Kirsty McKeown, Off Campus Student Affairs Assistant, reports on a joint environmental project with St Peter’s Court. St Peter’s Court (SPC), one of our off-campus third party halls, believe that moving to university is a good time for students to form good habits, which is why they’re working with the University and NUS to help …
SCoop – SB’s non-profit, student-priced food shop
October 26, 2015
Michelle Thomas, Treasurer of SCoop, explains how the society is bringing ethical, organic and affordable food to Sutton Bonington. SCoop was set up by dietetics students in February 2014 with the aim of giving Sutton Bonington students (staff and locals too) increased access to affordable and quality food from an ethical supply chain. We understand how …
Green UNMC – meet our varied and wonderful trees
August 25, 2015
Pei Sze Teh shares her experience of a summer internship at UNMC. After my 3rd year of studying chemical engineering at UNMC I applied for the campus summer Internship Programme, was successful and placed with Environment Committee to start up a flora and fauna survey. The idea of the project is to catalogue all flora and …
ISCN Day 3 – Global Student Engagement in Paris, in Hong Kong and globally
July 22, 2015
The global challenge of climate change needs a global response and their is a special opportunity and role for universities to respond. With fast approaching 200 million students in global HE they are a key community of the global population that is, currently, unable to effectively engaged in a process of climate negotiation. IARU found …