What to take and what not to take to university
May 3, 2017
What to bring to uni A bath mat: stepping out of the warm embrace of a shower onto a cold floor is a big shock to the system to say the least. Without being over dramatic, I imagine that it is what stepping off of a ship to begin an expedition in the arctic feels …
The 3 Emotional Stages of Being in Your Final Term
April 28, 2017
The end is nigh. 1.Denial Just point blank denial. No it is not nearly May and that is when I finish. Graduation? What’s that? Definitely not something that is happening to me this July. I refused to let myself think about it and was just pretending to be a first year again. I feel …
A Revision Survival Guide: How to Beat the Panic and Stress of Exams This Summer
April 24, 2017
Yeah, you guessed it, it’s another ‘revision top tips’ blog. I’m sure you’ve stumbled across far too many of these, but whether you want some genuine exams advice, or are looking to procrastinate some more, then I suggest you keep reading… An exam survival guide: how to beat the stress The summer time: the months …
First Year Reflection: A Transition
April 10, 2017
The past seven and a half months have passed by quicker than I could ever have imagined. I know I’m not exactly old, but I realise how true it is that time seems to fly by as you get older. There’s no more sitting in classrooms struggling to keep my eyes open on a Friday …
Productive Procrastination
April 5, 2017
As defined by the ever-trustworthy and academically respectable, Urban Dictionary, productive procrastination is the act of ‘putting off doing something which really needs to be done by doing something else instead which needs to be done.’ Relatable, aye? Anyway, with deadlines all around us and the imminent doomsday of the exam period looming over our …
What Happens When You Become an English Student
March 22, 2017
You will be able to talk your way out of any given scenario. All that essay writing allows you to become skilled when it comes to arguing a point, even when you aren’t 100% behind it. In those scenarios where you are in the midst of a debating about whose turn it is to buy …
Things I’d Tell My ‘Before Uni’ Self
February 24, 2017
This past week, I’ve been having a really tough time at uni. Even though I’m more settled than ever, and happier than I’ve ever been, it’s been really horrible. Everything little thing has been getting to me and making every day seem like a complete chore. It’s really hit home that even though these days …
Living in Halls
February 22, 2017
Living in halls has its upsides and its downsides. I’m not going to tell you that it’s all glitter and gold, because simply that’s not the case. However, I am also not going to tell you that it is hell, because that too is far from the truth. Halls for most people are their first …
Will You Be My Valentine?
February 12, 2017
Lovesick, love-struck, or loveless? Valentine’s Day brings about all kinds of emotions: excitement, gratitude, sadness, maybe even disgust. We all have a different opinion on the day, and all deal with it accordingly. Whether you’re like me and are a cold-hearted love hater turned soppy, hopeless romantic or just appreciate the day because of the …
The National Student Survey 2017
February 10, 2017
What is the survey? “The survey is made up of 27 questions covering things such as the teaching on your course, assessment and feedback, academic support, learning resources, the Students’ Union and your overall satisfaction.“ – Aimed at undergraduate students in final year – Takes around 10 minutes – Multiple choice questions – Opinion box at …