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Convenient Routes to Travel to Nottingham

Moving to a university must be exciting for students that shift to new cities. But it is especially exhilarating for students who travel further away to leave their country and set up new lives abroad. To all those international students…I resonate with you! With all this excitement, you have probably already booked your tickets to …

Things I didn’t expect to miss about university life

Student life is great for so many reasons – the diversity of the people you can meet, the topics you can study, the new places you can go. Those sort of things are what you expect to miss when at home, for summer or permanently. Yet what has surprised me the most about being home …

5 Reasons Why Nottingham Buses Are The Best

After living in Nottingham for two years now I have become familiar with the NCT bus system. One of the main things that enticed me about the city was its reputation for great public transport and I am here to tell you why it has lived up to that reputation. 1.Electronic Bus Times The times …