How to Balance School and Work as a Student
April 14, 2023
As a university student, managing both school and work can be a challenging task. Juggling deadlines, exams, and shifts at work can be overwhelming and stressful, leading to burnout and poor academic performance. However, with the right approach and mindset, it is possible to strike a balance between the two. Here are five tips for …
Academic conferenc-ing 101
April 2, 2019
Happy April to you all! Spring has sprung and it is conference season! I would like to provide some quick advice on participating in an academic conference. There are multiple sources online that provide tips on how to attend a conference. Here is a summary of the most basic tips: Practice your talk and be …
5 PhD musts for your procrastination
February 19, 2019
Have you heard of productive procrastination? Procrastination happens on a daily basis, let’s admit that! Our time is precious though, so what about taking your mind off what you currently do by completing little tasks that will become handy in the near future? Sort out your bibliography Isn’t yours a mess? Mine is. Thank God …
Going from a sprint to a marathon: academic career advice
January 15, 2018
In this post, Dr Anja Neundorf shares her advice on starting an academic career. Pursuing an academic career is a big decision, as it requires a long investment into your education with an uncertain, but highly rewarding outcome. It is difficult to make it, as there are few jobs and it can take a while …
Thesis Writing 101
August 8, 2017
If you’re currently writing up a thesis of some descript, the chances are you’ve found yourself doing some serious staring into the abyss, hoping for some prophetic wisdom to emerge out of thin air and manifest itself as a discussion chapter on your laptop. After extensive and rigorous scientific testing and academic scrutiny (aka …
5 money saving tips to help fuel summer fun
May 2, 2017
Summer is fast approaching – though you might not be able to tell on account of the frosty mornings and wet weather of late. Whether you’re a fresher or a postgrad, chances are you’re starting to think about making some plans to lap up some sun in a new and exciting place. But woe betide …
6 simple steps to become a morning person
March 21, 2017
You know who they are. They’re the person whose smoothie-blending wakes you up at 7am every morning. They’re the person who’s just come back from a run as you drag your hungover cadaver into the kitchen to reheat a slice of last night’s pizza for ‘breakfast’ (by now, of course, it’s 11am and you’ve already …
Presentation Skills
November 26, 2014
I don’t like to admit this, but I’m actually a bit shy. I hate public speaking and find it awkward talking about myself (blogging is a bit of a trick, since I can’t actually see people reading it). This afternoon, I have to present myself to a group. No Powerpoint, no big theme to focus …
Uni Withdrawal Syndrome
September 2, 2013
It’s the start of September, months since many of us have been on campus and for some of us we not be returning in the new term. So how have you been coping with normal eating and sleeping patterns? Have you woken up with a start thinking you’ve missed your lecture only to realise you’ve …