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What do I do after university?

So I’m sat here after just applying for a scholarship scheme for an internship in China thinking what the heck do I want to do after university? I know I still have about a year to go, but is that really that long? Today my girlfriend and I had a chat in the car on …

My grad job interview

I’ve just had a graduate job interview and it was very ‘different’ to say the least. It began with a short presentation on a given topic followed by some questions focused on commercial awareness. I find it easy to ramble in interviews, so I had to ensure I stayed on topic throughout which was quite …

Snapshot of my week one

I have no idea what it is about writing blog posts on trains, for some reason my mind just pours out words and is like yep, these words sound good together! I’ve had a pretty hectic week, but I’m slowly coming back to reality as lectures start this week. I wanted to get my thoughts …

I Have Impostor Syndrome

  You’re probably thinking right now what on earth is this ‘impostor syndrome’? Well according to Wikipedia, it is ‘a term coined in 1978 by clinical psychologists Dr. Pauline R. Clance and Suzanne A. Imes referring to high-achieving individuals marked by an inability to internalize their accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a …

How To Make The Most Of The Start Of Term

Sssh, can you hear that? It’s me SCREAMING about how excited I am for the start of term. Crisp autumn leaves and new notebooks, buying piles of books that I will almost certainly never read, reuniting with friends, and signing up for approximately five million new societies – all  of these fill me with unutterable …

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles”

So its 3:23am, perfect time for a blog post right? So I’m sat here in bed, armed with my phone and my tiny keyboard – 가자! Through a combination of talking about my travel experiences with a friend, and reading another blog* which had been recommended to me, I was inspired to finally write this …

Why Second Year is the Best Year

As of today I have officially finished my second year of university. The time has flown faster than expected and now I only have a summer separating me and the last year of my degree. Whilst I have not experienced third year yet, I have a feeling it will be a lot of ugly crying …

Eating Your Way Around Campus

Having spent nearly 4 years at this university and with a lot of that time being on University Park Campus, I have had my fair share of meals here. In this post I will share with you my 3 favourite places to grab a bit on campus whether it is a lovely day out or just …

5 Top Tips for Train Travel

Once Upon a Time I was a very naive student who thought that taking the train would be a simple task, you get on at one stop and then off at the other – but I turned out to be very wrong. Taking the train is an art form, a craft that I have developed through …

Stranded… but not forgotten

Oh China, the only place that would have tourist buses to the Great Wall, but no tourist buses back. Okay… I admit we did get a little adventurous and decided to venture out to a deserted part of the wall 120km outside of Beijing, (金山岭 if