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5 Things the University Has Made Me Do

1. Pick Comfort Over Style If you’ve even done as much as drive past the University Park Campus, you will know that the place is BIG. Fair play to you if you are willing to sacrifice blisterless feet in the name of fashion, but I on the other hand found myself calling my trainers my …

O’ Canada!

On the 15th June I set foot off the airplane and into Calgary, Canada. I’ve never been to this side of the world before and I had some strange expectations when I could only see fields and no cityscape in view from my plane window during landing. However, as we got closer and closer to …

Dear incoming first years, here’s what to expect

University is supposed to be the ‘time of your life’. It’s what everyone always says. And it’s probably what you wholeheartedly believe as you spend your last summer preparing to be a freshman this fall. I bet you’ve already heard of all the people you’ll meet and places you’ll go. The things you’ll see and …

Being a ‘graduand’

So I only figured out what the word ‘graduand’ meant a couple of weeks ago. It refers to that weird limbo period in final year where you finish your exams but you have not yet graduated and its the position that most of us final years are in. After 3 years of grueling exams (okay …

What First Year Has Taught Me

Fresher’s friendships exist During Freshers’, I met loads of lovely people and automatically assumed that each and every one of them would be my friend for the duration of the course. However, as soon as the workload began to pile up, I learned that people changed and that a presentation of someone formed within a …

A Love Letter To My First Year At Uni

Hello again! It’s been quite a while since I’ve had a chance to blog about my life at university and that’s probably because I haven’t had much of a life for the past few weeks. However, I managed to scrape through finals week which means I’ve successfully made it through one whole year at Nottingham …

Why I’m Voting Labour On 8th June

At the moment, all anyone seems to talk about is the General Election. I for one, am growing extremely tired of it all; you scroll down Facebook and  it’s one party bashing another, or a nasty article about a politician. It’s very easy to be swept up by headlines and accept the propaganda that’s continually …

History Degree: How Will Studying For a History Degree Help Me In The Real World?

When I tell people I’m doing a degree in History, I’m usually met with raised eyebrows, and remarks like ‘how is that going to help you find a job?’. It seems as though a lot of people think its a pointless area of study. What jobs can you get with a History degree? What’s the …

“What do you want to do when you grow up?”

“What do you do?”   I knew he was referring to what course I was studying at university. But instead, I responded the way I always have; with what I really do.   “I write. I also go hiking sometimes and I play tennis.” I tell him I like being creative and watching sunsets.  “I …

The Intuitive Eater: Tips Towards Becoming More Foodsmart

One of our biggest issues as students is eating healthily and maintaining a healthy (ish) wallet at the same time. We’ve all been there, there’s only half a tub of butter and a sack of potatoes to fill your cupboards, and your stomach this evening so you order a takeaway again. You spend £20 too, …