Living Away from Nottingham While on Placement
May 18, 2023
Hello all! I’m Aisia, a third-year medical student. This blog post will serve to detail what to expect if you’re placed somewhere with hospital accommodation on your healthcare placements. Once you’ve finished your dissertation, you’ll start foundations for practice (FFP) which is formed of five six-week placement blocks: specialty skills (dermatology, ENT, and ophthalmology), surgery, …
Coping with Homesickness – An International Student’s Perspective
September 18, 2020
When COVID-19 first made its appearance, students were asked to return to their permanent addresses for the foreseeable future. For international students, like myself, this meant flying across the world to cities we had left years ago. Now, rounding out my 5th month back home, I realise that this is the longest I have spent …
Being an International Student at University
August 18, 2019
Congratulations to everyone who received their results recently. And for those of you making your way to Nottingham this September; we can’t wait to have you here at the beginning of the rest of your life. For some of you, university may be a 30-minute drive away from home. For others, like myself, home is …
What to expect when you’re expecting….to come to Nottingham
August 20, 2018
The coming fall will mark 2 years since I made the 4000-mile trek to the University of Nottingham. With the start of a new academic year looming, I have decided to use my blog to advise incoming international students on what to expect upon arrival and how to transition to life in Nottingham as easily …
So you’re coming to Nottingham?
August 14, 2015
If after receiving your A level results (or equivalent) you’ve found you’ve secured your place at Nottingham, then congratulations! You’re about to start at least three awesome years here. If you’re nervous, or just don’t know what to expect, that’s completely normal! I felt the same, yet here I am on the other side having …
If I did new year’s resolutions…
January 8, 2013
The whole, ‘remembering how much I love my family and have missed them while at uni’ lasted a whole maybe, three days. Then I remembered exactly why I enjoy uni and independence so much. I might only be halfway through second year but I haven’t lived at home for nearly two years now, spending half …