Library Lifestyle
May 5, 2013
Living the fun lifestyle of a third year, I’ve been spending quite a lot of the time in the library at the moment. Yesterday I went to Hallward, nipped out to see East at the Nottingham New Theatre and it was back to the library until 1:30am. I’m sure many of you are thinking ‘That’s …
Show Time
November 19, 2012
So my week has pretty much consisted of several proposals and quite a few bear sightings. Yes, it’s been a busy week (hence why this blog is a day late, sorry!) Anyway, going back to that first rather obscure yet true statement, all week I have been at rehearsals for The Proposal and The …
November 11, 2012
The most time I had ever spent on Jubilee Campus before this week had been during last year’s mad deadline rush in which myself and a course mate decided it was a great idea to spend all night in Jubilee Library writing our 3000 word coursework that was due in for the next day. In …
Parties and Pampering
June 7, 2012
So it’s been almost a week since I completed the final ten credits of my degree and it’s been a week of peace, relaxing and preparations for the next chapter of my life. I think Saturday was my favourite day of them all, it was a rainy day in Nottingham and therefore the perfect day …