Why ‘Blue Monday’ is a myth? (and other optimistic things)
February 5, 2018
Over a decade ago, psychologist Cliff Arnall coined the term ‘Blue Monday’ to mark the third Monday of January, also known as the most depressing day of the year. According to a formula he published, factors such as grim weather conditions, failed new year’s resolutions, and post-holiday period debt contributed to making this day the …
Christmas is Over. (but it’s okay)
January 6, 2017
It’s a melancholy time when the Christmas tree comes down, the town isn’t lit up with festive lights and there isn’t loads of great movies on the television. But all hope is not lost. Exam time is approaching and in the cold weather it can be difficult to look at the ‘bright’ side but there’s …
How to beat the January blues
January 11, 2016
It’s the same scenario every year. January has hit: dank, dark days, regretful (well, regret-fuelled) diets and the unwelcome resumption of everyday life after the festive utopia. Add to that a foreboding few months of uninterrupted studying plus a handful of looming exams and the outlook is bleak. In such a situation it’s all too …
Microbiology was exhaustive and it still is
January 16, 2012
Hello everyone! I was so preoccupied with my dissertation that I didn’t have time to make a new post in this blog. Just so you know, my dissertation is near to completion. It’s not done yet but I’m getting there. The deadline is after all this Thursday. Can’t wait for it to be over! I …
“Always keep your Childish Innocence..It’s the Most Important Thing”
January 12, 2012
Life, perhaps inevitably after Australia and the excitement the Christmas Period always brings, has slowed the grey and stressful pace that January so often brings to students… Perhaps I am experiencing what they call Reverse Culture Shock where on return to the home country one pines after the routine and specific features of the culture …