The most obvious time of the year!
December 11, 2013
Do you often feel dizzy and light-headed? Are you often red in the face? Have your fingers ever turned blue? You need to try….breathing. Breathing is a 100% effective at keeping you alive, it’s free and easy to do, and all jobs require you to be able to breathe. Try breathing today – satisfaction guaranteed! …
July 17, 2013
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the ice cream is calling – you’re lying back relaxing for your summer holiday… And I’m blogging. You may be thinking – what on earth are you doing Sarah? Blogging in the holidays? I thought it had finished! Well sorry to disappoint but I’m here for …
Grandma’s Easter Eggs
March 31, 2013
Happy Easter Sunday! Hope you also all had a good Good Friday…and an adequate Saturday. I’m going all Delia Smith in this appropriately themed blog to give you another treat this Easter Weekend. Forget the shop bought, already formed, already packaged hollow Easter Eggs! Here at the Benawra household we make our own…as well as …
You have been watching
November 7, 2012
I have a confession to make: I love TV. Glad I’ve got that off my chest. I feel sort of un-cultured and plebeian saying it, like I’m admitting to loving watching bear-baiting and attending public hangings, instead of watching French subtitled black and white films and sketching metaphorical representations of dreams I’ve had whilst …