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Being a Musician at University

“I’m a musician. Are there many opportunities for me at uni?” It’s a question I hear time and time again at open days. And my response is always: “I’m a musican too! And I’ve never once felt like there weren’t enough musical opportunities at uni!” Even based on SB campus, I immediately had access to …

The End of Term and the Beginning of Veronica Mars

Dear Loyal Readers (okay …  Mum and Dad), My apologies for not posting last week. My excuses are classics so I won’t bore you with length explanations (deadlines, being disorganised and this play I did), but on the plus side it means I have lots to talk about this week. Firstly, last Monday and Tuesday …

Theatre is Life

Theatre is Life! At least it is my life at the moment and was most definitely last week; well theatre and musicals. I was ridiculously cultured last week come to think of it … Let me explain. Two weeks ago my friend and I were fortunate enough to be given the chance to co-produce and …

Show Time

So my week has pretty much consisted of several proposals and quite a few bear sightings. Yes, it’s been a busy week (hence why this blog is a day late, sorry!)   Anyway, going back to that first rather obscure yet true statement, all week I have been at rehearsals for The Proposal and The …