University Life According To Emojis
March 27, 2017
I thought I’d do something fun and lighthearted, and let’s be honest, we all love emojis. They describe our feelings when we don’t quite have the words. A crying cat, a little pixelated robot alien, and a poo with eyes. Magical. This post is university life: according to emojis. I hope you enjoy. The first …
Why I Love the Savoy Cinema
March 3, 2017
For practically a year and a half now I have lived five minutes away from a 1930s cinema and I have not made the most of this until now. The Savoy cinema oozes glorious vintage style, there is something intimate about the small screens and the old fashioned layout that makes me feel like I just …
May 1, 2013
“at the end of the day it’s all a game isn’t it…ok it might be an important game that will be significant for the rest of your life…but exams are a game and you need to know how to play to win.” The above was some wisdom from one of my lecturers in the last …
Fight the System
February 13, 2013
In my A level food tech I often had to write about the “money rich, time poor” group and their food choices. Then in my degree we are often talking about those who are “money poor” and how this might affect them. However, I think a lot of students – as fortunate as we are …
I dreamed a dream…
January 16, 2013
There was a time exams were kind When answers were clear And MCQ’s inviting There was a time when examiners were blind And life was a song And grades were exciting There was a time (KS2) Then it all went wrong I dreamed a dream in time gone by When free time was high …