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The balancing act at university

More often than not, your time at university will feel like the ultimate balancing act. Between lectures, deadlines and extra-curricular activities, it can all get overwhelming sometimes. And whilst feeling that way is inevitable; it doesn’t have to ruin your time at university. After multiple breakdowns amidst years of juggling medical school, two committee roles …

Christmas juggling

As most students know, time at university is like a balancing act, with studying, societies, part time work and socialising all vying for your attention. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be getting any easier as term draws to a close! I guess I had it coming. I was merrily sipping coffee whilst others battled with …

Up and Down! (the country)

Hello dearest blog readers! You probably may have noticed I have been missing for a few weeks, this is because I really have been away travelling. These past few weeks, I have been down to London then Loughborough and just recently Edinburgh! It has been a busy time for me, packing, unpacking and then packing …

Ups and Downs

A man goes to his Doctor to get the results from some tests. Doctor: I’ve got some good news and some bad news Patient: give me the good news first… Doctor: well you’ll be proud to know we’re naming a new fatal disease after you! That joke is courtesy of my Aunty- who texts me jokes …

Busy busy busy!

I’ve finally had a little down time after a crazy busy for two weeks. I had a test, my sister came to visit, lunch with my host family, an interview and placements. Thankfully I had the Friday off to collect myself before the cycle repeated itself! At least I only have three weeks left before …

Students in a Suite

Right now it feels like my to do list is longer than the number of hours in a day, or a week for that matter. I’ve a half finished essay due Friday and kit to iron for tomorrow afternoon; Mum wants calenders making that need to be submitted by Friday and my weekend’s going to …