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Easter has taught me…

Or rather “Easter holiday has made me appreciate even more”…Because most of the following I knew already, but the longer title just isn’t so snazzy is it?   The best things in life really are free! On Tuesday last week, Ben and Jerry’s annual Free Cone Day finally arrived! A day where you can eat …

Coping in Copenhagen

Last year when my housemate Cara told the rest of us she wanted to do a study year abroad we didn’t want her to leave. Now I’m glad she did. (Sorry Cara, I’m aware that made it sound like I don’t like you anymore but on the contrary) I am glad she jetted off to …

My Easter holiday in pictures

Well, sadly, the Easter holiday is drawing to a close, and it’s been busy, fun, moderately productive and definitely nice to be home. So this post I thought I’d do a picture summary of what I’ve been up to – building on last weeks post. So I went on holiday: To Cornwall…which was actually rather …

Time to Enjoy Things

Hey there readers, Happy Tuesday. So I usually post on Mondays but I’ve have been pretty bad at sticking to schedule recently, yet this week I was going to be organised. We have a week before Uni starts again, so I bashed out a 9-5 day of coursework yesterday because ‘the fear’ has leered its …

Too young, too simple & a monkey

Ni Hao! Apologies for the delay, this has been due to illness and another hospital visit, it appears the air quality here in China has taken its toll on me and you can imagine how seriously any flu symptoms are currently being taken due to H7N9. I return you to Good Friday, and my birthday …

Transition: Student to me

Well I’ve been back home now for a few weeks for the Easter break and I have really struggled to think about content for this blog. I was sat thinking, well I’m not in Nottingham. What can I write about that is possibly relevant. I’m not doing anything studenty. So I thought I’d write about …

Portugal Field Course: Take 1

Sat outside in the midday Portuguese sun it’s hard to believe that we’re actually here to do work. My current task in particular? Watching spiders in our homemade terratorium to see how and if they interact with one another – the fact these tanks are now outside was perhaps a winning move on our part …

Martial arts, sightseeing & a broken seat

Ni Hao! (Hello), I will dive straight in and tell you about my trip to 西湖, meaning ‘West Lake’. Located here in Hangzhou, the West Lake is a famous freshwater lake divided into causeways with numerous temples, gardens and artificial islands with

When I Grow Up…

During this Easter break I have been filling in application after application finally accepting that this is my last year at the University of Nottingham (sad times) and that I should probably start doing the grown up thing of planning for the future. But before I fully commit to completely being an adult, here is …

Chinese food, language & hospital

Welcome back for another Study China instalment. I have mostly recovered from the jet lag and man flu since my last post but I am now dealing with another issue, my ear hasn’t popped since landing! I’m usually not one to seek medical assistance, instead favouring self-recovery, but being in a foreign country so different …